Chapter 8- Boat Trip

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"How long are we going on this trip for?" I ask my mom getting in the back of the car.

"Just a few days," My dad says starting the car.

"As in three?"


"Why?" I frown confused as to why we have to go on a boat trip.

"It's a business thing," My dad says as he pulls out of the garage.

"And why do we have to come?"

"Because, so we can all spend time together,"

I sigh staring out of the window, I'm sat in the back right seat with the luggage and my mom is in the passenger seat.

I cover my neck in as much colour correcter and fountain as I can, but I don't know if it's enough.

We arrive at the docks to see Ward and Rose standing on the Stern of the boat looking out. Ward sees our car pull up to the dock and makes his way down with Rose.
"Hey! Welcome, this is My Druthers," He smiles helping with the luggage.
"Woah," I admire the large boat. "We're staying here for four days?" I confirm.
"Yep," My mom smiles.

"Hi," Rose smiles shaking my mom and dad's hands.
"Sarah is already on the boat if you wanna go up and see her," Ward smiles.
"Oh, yeah," I grab my backpack and make my way onto the boat.

I walk through the boat, I manage to find myself lost, I bite my bottom lip nervously as I look around.
"Hey," I hear an all too familiar voice, I turn around to see Rafe in a light pink polo shirt and khaki shorts.
"Hey," I smile.
"You look lost," He smiles and walks towards me.
"That's cuz I am," I let out a small laugh. "I was trying to find Sarah, but," I look around.
"Follow me," He turns around and I follow him.

He leads me to a small corridor with two doors on each side, Rafe stops in front of the second door to the right.
"This is Sarah's room," He smiles.
"Thanks," I knock on the door and poke my head in to see Sarah.
"Hey, come in," She says sitting on the bed closest to the door.

"Bye," I say quietly and then walk into her room, when I walk in there are two beds on the right wall in front of the door and there's a window filling almost the whole wall that looks into the ocean. The theme of the room is white and light grey, but I guess that's going to be the same in every room, since this is a boat.

"Me and you are supposed to share this room, Wheezie is sharing with Rafe," She smiles as Wheezie walks in.

"Oh yeah," I realise I never actually spoke to Wheezie before, so I turn to the young girl smiling. "Hey, Wheezie,"
"Hey Ashley," She shows her pearly whites as she sits down on the bed next to Sarah's.

After I've unpacked everything, me, Sarah and Wheezie talk for a while until there's a knock at the door.
"Yeah?" Sarah says as Ward pokes his head into the room.
"Come out to the bow, we got steak," He smiles and then walks off.
"The bow? What's that?" I ask, I don't know anything about Boat terminology.
"It's the front part of the boat," Wheezie giggles as if it's supposed to be common knowledge.
"Oh," I smile as we all stand up.

We go to the front of the boat to find three sunbeds and a dining table nailed to the ground. Everyone is already sat in their seats and we join them, I notice the boat is no longer moving and that we're just floating in the centre of mountains. The water looks so blue and clear, I bet if you grabbed a microscope and looked hard enough, you could see the ocean floor.

Ward and Rose are sat opposite my parents on the right side of the table. Sarah and Wheezie sit in the two available seats next to my parents leaving an empty seat opposite Sarah on the end of the table next to Rafe who is sat next to his dad.

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