Chapter 5- Munchies

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I've spent the last two days staying in, I don't bother asking anyone to hang out since I just want some alone days to myself. Today is now a Monday meaning I've officially been in Outer Banks for a week.

I wake up to the sound of multiple feet stomping down my hallway toward my room. Then there's a knock and whispering.
"Yeah?" I mumble and the door opens. It's Sarah and the Pogues.
"Hey, c'mon get ready we're going to the Chateau to hang out!" Sarah lets herself in and Kiara follows along, the boys poke their heads in to stare at me.
"Guys, go away!" Kiara shouts shooing them away and then closing the door while Sarah is rummaging through my wardrobe.
"You have amazing taste," She smiles pulling out a pastel yellow lace crop top and white tailored shorts.

I change into the outfit and put on my white airforces, I brush my teeth and straighten my hair while everyone waits in my room.

"I'll never understand why girls take so long to get ready," JJ says staring at me while I straighten my hair.

"Because we don't just change our clothes, we actually brush our teeth and hair," Kiara gives him a dirty look.

Once I'm done we all head downstairs, I say bye to my parents and we head to The Twinkie.

"Can we actually pop into mine for a minute? I gotta get something for Ashley," She smiles.

"Uh, you know your dad will kill us all if he sees us right?" John B says.

"Yeah, you only dropping us off, we can make our own way to yours,"

"Are you sure?" John B asks.
"Yeah, it's less risky," Sarah smiles.

We arrive at the Cameron House and the Pogues drop us off around the corner.

We enter the house and make our way up to Sarah's room.
"What are we here for, exactly?" I ask confused.

"For... This," She reaches into her top drawer and pulls out a condom.

"Woah, Sarah!" I back up. "Why the fuck are you trying to give me a condom?" I ask frowning.

"Just in case anything happens with JJ anytime soon," She winks.

"Uhm, nothing is going to happen, Sarah, why the hell would you think that anyway?" I almost shout going into panic mode.

"You might not remember last night, but I sure do," She laughs holding out the condom.

"Uh, what do you mean by that? What happened last night?" I ask beginning to worry.

She explains how I sat on his lap for multiple hours, and how he asked if he could see me today, which explains earlier.

"Oh my god," I put my fingers over my lips. "Am I a whore?" I say thinking about Rafe, and how I was apparently stringing JJ along last night.

"What? No!" Sarah shouts shoving the condom into my left pocket.

"I don't want a condom, Sarah, I'm not going to do anything with JJ," I reassure her, and then we hear a creek on the floorboards outside the door.

I look over to Sarah, worried someone had heard all of that.
"The floor does that sometimes, don't worry," She smiles dragging me to the door. I sigh and walk out to see Rafe walking towards the stairs.
Great. We make eye contact as he turns the corner to go down the stairs and he looks like he's suppressing a certain emotion.

He clenches his jaw, now looking super pissed.
Shit. What if it was him that made those floorboards creek outside Sarah's door, and he heard that whole conversation?

"Shit, Sarah, I think it was him that made the floorboard creek," I whisper starting to panic.
"It's fine, he won't find it weird, I hear him banging other girls all the time," She laughs, but that's not what I meant.

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