Chapter 15- Kook Party

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"You want tea? You look so tired," Sarah laughs as I slump onto the island.

"I'm hungover, and yes, please," My eyes feel so heavy, and I can barely remember anything from before I threw up everything in my system. Though, I sadly remember what happened afterwards.

"What time is Topper's party?" I ask as Sarah turns on the kettle.

"7pm," She smiles.

"Why is he even throwing a party?" I pull my brows together, confused as to why he's just randomly throwing a party, I never had this in England.

"His parents went to visit the grandparents or something, so he said he wants to make the most out of it," She laughs, how is she so cheery this early in the morning?

"Hm," I close my eyes.

"Remind me why I woke up so early?" I say while opening my eyes.

"Because it's 2pm, god, you and your questions," She rolls her eyes.

After I finish my cup of tea, I decide I should probably get ready, and I go upstairs to Rafe's room to get my toothbrush from last night.
I briefly prepare myself before knocking on his door three times.

"What?" He groans, have I just woke him up?

"Can I please have the toothbrush from last night?" I ask while leaning on the closed door.

"Come get it yourself," His voice is muffled, I'm guessing his head is stuffed into his pillow.

I slowly open the door to make sure he's actually okay with me coming in. I walk in and make my way to his bathroom, I grab my toothbrush and go to the door to the hallway.

"Sorry, about last night by the way, I just thought it would be a little awkward if I stayed," I say as I stop by the door for a second.

"Already forgot about it," He lifts up his right arm, looking underneath it to look at me since he can't be bothered to lift his head. He blue eyes sparkle under the shadow of his arm, making me unconsciously smile.

I softly close his door and walk to the main bathroom, I brush my teeth and ask Sarah if she has a hairbrush.
"Of course I do, what do you think I untangle my hair with?" She giggles, making me smile.

"Just tryna be polite, I'm not just gonna demand you give me your hairbrush, am I?" I laugh as she hands me the hairbrush.

"I don't really care," She smiles as she changes into a red crop top and ripped shorts.

"That's what you're going to the party in?" I ask, eyeing her outfit.

"Okay. One, I'm not dressing to impress. Two, we're going shopping, I'm not going to a party in clothes people have seen me in before," I laugh as she flies over her first point.

"I thought you said you aren't dressing to impress," I comment, making her smile.

"Kooks will be Kooks," She shrugs.

We go shopping for outfits, and I choose a puff sleeve crop top with a matching skin-tight mini skirt and a chain bag to go with it. I choose 4-inch black heeled ankle strap sandals, which suit the fit quite well.
Sarah chooses a white skin-tight dress that goes to her thighs and white 4-inch heels to go with it.

7pm comes around, and Sarah and I make our way to Topper's house, Rafe left earlier on to see him.
When we get there, music is booming down the street, and Kooks are scattered everywhere.

"I'm gonna need a drink," I say in Sarah's ear as we approach the front door.

"Agreed," She replies as we walk inside.

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