Chapter 14- Pot

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I wake up next to JJ in the hammock, it's surprisingly quite comfortable. JJ has his left arm draped across my stomach and his head is buried in my neck.

"Morning," Kiara smiles, she's in the middle hammock which is to the right of mine.

"Morning," I smile back as she giggles.

"He looks comfortable," She says.

"Yup," I try not to laugh so I don't disrupt JJ.

"He looks like a baby," Pope says with a smile.

JJ begins moving around a bit, and then he wakes up.

"What time is it?" He groans looking up at me barely opening his eyes.

"God knows," I pull out my phone to check. "11:45am," I look down at him, he realizes he has his arm around me and instantly pulls away.

"Sorry," He mumbles.

"It's fine," I let out a laugh.

I look at my phone to see texts from my dad.

Dad 💘

Yesterday, 7:45pm
Hey, Rafe just stopped by. He looked anxious and he was looking for you. X

I frown at the text and JJ notices.
"What the hell," He groans again as he rubs his eyes. "Why was Rafe looking for you?" He sits up, straining his stomach.

"Woah, watch your stomach," I warn him as I look over at Kiara, seeing Sarah who is now awake and sitting up in her hammock next to Kiara's.

"Rafe? What does Rafe want?" John B frowns now also sitting up.

"I don't know, he probably just wants to know about the Luke thing from yesterday," I say trying to sound as convincing as possible.

"Yeah," Kiara agrees along with Sarah.

"I should get home, I've gotta shower," I jump down from the hammock and so does Sarah.

"Oh, bye then," Kiara says and the others say bye too.

"Ashley," I hear Sarah's voice behind me and I stop to look at her.


"You're gonna go see him, aren't you," She crosses her arms.

"Uh," I look down. "Yeah," I admit and she sighs.

"Just be careful, alright?"

"Of course,"

"Text me if he does pulls anything," She says as I begin walking away.

"Will do," I look back at her and smile.

I walk to my house and get ready before making my way to the Cameron house and knock on the front door.

"Oh, hello, Ashley," Rose smiles opening the door.

"Hey, is Rafe here?" I ask returning the smile.

"He should be, come in," She opens the door to reveal the inside of the house and steps aside.

"Thank you," I step inside.

"He should be upstairs somewhere," She says.

"Thank you, Mrs. Cameron," I look back as I walk to the stairs.

I roam around the middle floor and walk to Rafe's room, I knock on the door but get no answer.

"I think he's on the balcony," I hear a high-pitched voice and turn to see Wheezie.

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