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Hey everyone, I just wanna tell you that I'm sorry the last chapter was a lil rushed.

I've known exactly how I want this book to end, and go, since before I started writing it. I knew that I wanted Marcus's death to be the thing that separated Rafe and Ashley from the beginning. Don't panic, just read.

My grandad died the day I wrote this chapter (the day I'm writing this), so I didn't want to give details on Marcus's funeral or death. It was quite hard to write that part of the chapter which is why I just skipped past and I'm sorry if you wanted that aftermath.

I don't know if any of you would've wanted that side story anyway so I just didn't bother with it.

Anyway, on better news, I already have a Book 2 to this in mind. I know roughly how I want it to go but I'm not quite sure how I want it to end- Plus I have no idea how to end stories properly.

One more thing:
In the description, it says the book is based 9th January to 1st March, the 1st of March is when Ashley leaves Outer Banks. From then on I didn't keep dates, I just thought I would specify that!

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