Chapter 24- Name Changes

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A few days have gone by and I've been staying at the Cameron's. I've slept in both Rafe's and Sarah's beds.

I'm currently laying in Rafe's bed, laying my head on his chest, watching him text Kelce and Topper in the group chat- Rafe is also texting on my behalf.

My parents have gone on a vacation and I convinced them to stay me stay here, they're super boring and I hate going on vacation with them, so anyway, I'm throwing a party

Do any of you wanna come?

I nearly fall asleep reading the paragraph that Topper sent, I can see that Rafe only skims through it until a certain word sticks out to him.

"Wanna-" Rafe starts but I cut him off.
"Yup," I smile while looking up at him.
"Alright," He smiles slightly as he texts back.

Ashley, Kelce, Topper

Of course bro

Yeah. Ashley's coming too

Great, tonight about 10?

Thats good yea


"Why are you so dry at texting," I laugh.
"Just don't have anything to say," Rafe mutters.

"Okay, but that's no excuse for the names of your contacts, you don't even have emojis at the end, it's disappointing. I have purple hearts for girls, and blue hearts for boys," I smile as I look up at him.

"And what do I have? I'm not just a boy to you, right?" Rafe wraps his arm around my neck.

"Wow, you're really making me take my phone out right now," I reach over to my phone which is laying on the nightstand to my left.
"Cute," Rafe smirks as he sees the emojis: ❤️🫶 next to his name.

"What's mine, it better be something cute," I look up at him to see he looks awkward with a smile.

"Uh, I just have it as your name," I frown as he laughs.

"Phone, now." Rafe half-willingly hands over his phone and I search up my contact, he wasn't even lying.

"Wow, ok," I feel slightly offended.

I press on my contact and go to 'edit' as Rafe watches everything I do.

"Hm, what are your recent emojis," I mutter as I press on the 'recent' category.

They go in an order of:

I frown as I see that they're the only emojis he's ever used and Rafe curses under his breath.

"Who have you been sending these to?" I ask knowing this is a fairly new phone, he got it a few weeks before I came to Outer Banks.

"Uh, well," Rafe stammers and I sit up.

"Okay, okay, just uhm- Like, I was testing it out," He avoids eye contact and I frown.
"What on Earth do you mean?" I scoff.

"I was gonna put one- Or a few, on your name, or something, I dunno," Rafe looks down and I fully believe him, I know when he's lying and how isn't right so I smile.

"That's cute," I copy what he said to me a few moments ago.

"Shut up," Rafe mutters and I giggle, laying back on his chest and continuing what I was doing.

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