Chapter 12- Living Room Window

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An alarm goes off, waking us all up, Kiara turns it off and yawns, sitting up.

"Wake up, we have school," She shakes me and Sarah.

"Few more minutes," Sarah mumbles, facing away from her.

"No, we gotta get ready, Ashley? You alive?" Kiara drags herself out of bed.

"Mhm," I mumble, now laying on my back.

"Guys, c'mon! You wanna have successful futures, don't you?" She drags me and Sarah.

"My future is destined for me to die as an alcoholic, so no," Sarah's muffled voice says into the pillow.

"I don't have any plans for the future, all I know is that I'm gonna marry an old rich man, wait for him to die, and then take all of his money," I sigh now staring at the ceiling in the shape of a starfish with my right leg stretched out to where Kiara just was.

Kiara and Sarah laugh, Sarah sits up looking really tired, she has eye bags.

Kiara laughs while grabbing a crop top.

"Jesus Sarah, how much sleep did you get last night?" I ask as she squints her half-open eyes.

"I don't even know," She gets up and reaches into her bag, pulling out clothes.

"I'm tired as shit," I don't bother getting up until Kiara drags me.

"Come on Ashley! Which school do you even go to?" She asks.

"Kildare County," I say quietly as my legs feel weak.

"Great. We can walk together then," Kiara smiles, throwing my bag at me.

When we're all ready, we have 10 minutes to spare before we have to leave so I straighten my hair. I've changed out of my pajamas and put on my clothes from yesterday since my mom didn't pack a spare set. We go downstairs and say bye to Kiara's parents, Sarah walks the opposite way to me and Kiara after we say bye to her as well.

When we arrive at school, we see the rest of the Pogues waiting outside.

"Hey Kiara," Pope says, smiling.

"How come you're not at Kook Academy?" JJ asks, frowning and walking towards us.

"I dunno. I didn't choose the school," I shrug, and JJ wraps his left arm around my neck, pulling me to his side as he spins back around.

"Oh yeah," He walks back to the others with me now trapped by his side, and I'm slightly surprised by this gesture. What's gotten into him all of a sudden?

"New student, fresh start, right?" He smiles as I look up confused.

"What?" I ask.

"He's just being weird," John B frowns as we all walk inside.

I catch a few stares, and JJ doesn't move his arm.

"Welcome to History," JJ says in a bored tone as he sits on the table and lets go of me for the first time.

I sit opposite him as students swarm in, and I introduce myself to the teacher, Mr. Sunn. He's quite nice, and best of all – chill. He tells me I can sit in front of JJ, who sits next to Kiara, and Pope sits diagonally left of her.

"Hi," A random girl comes up to me with a big smile on her face as I sit in my seat, JJ doing the same.

"Hi," I smile back, trying to seem friendly.

"I'm Yvonne," She quickly holds out her hand, and I can't help but notice the way her voice sounds. I really hope she's not trying to be friends with me. Because I can't cope with her voice for a second longer, even if she's only spoken three words to me.

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