Chapter 10- 'Picture Attached'

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"Ashley, wake up," Rafe shakes me by my right shoulder softly, trying to wake me up. He's now spooning me, and his chin is buried in my neck, he's looking over my body to see if I'm awake.

"Hm?" I open my eyes, squinting at the reflection coming from the ripples in the water.

"My dad just knocked on the door, he said we're back at the docks, your parents wanna take you home early," Rafe speaks gently, his deep voice soothes my ears.

"Mhm," I don't have the energy to form words right now.

I don't bother getting ready, or out of yesterday's clothes, Rafe gathers all of my stuff from the bathroom and Sarah's room. I go to the toilet and he walks me outside and I'm greeted by everyone from the boat. They're all so supportive of me, and Sarah puts my number in her phone. Wheezie gives me a fat hug and Rafe just comforts me with his gaze.

I don't say anything to anyone, but they all speak to me telling me that everything is going to be okay. I drag myself to the backseat of the car and my dad quickly drives off, my mom holds my hand from the front seat the entire ride.

Once we get to the house, I go upstairs and straight to my room, I drop my phone on the nightstand closest to the door and go to sleep.

I wake up to the sound of buzzing, I look at my phone, which is next to a fresh glass of water and a plate of food which I assume is now cold. There is no longer sunlight, and the caller ID says it's Liv, the time is 2:34am, meaning I've slept over 15 hours.

"Hm?" Is all I can say as I hear Liv breaking down on the other end.
"He's still not home, and I don't know what to do, someone filed a report saying they saw who they think was Marcus standing on the edge of the bridge," She sobs and I tear up, with no emotion, I stay silent.
"Ashley!? Can you hear me?" Liv raises her voice a little.
"Mhm," My hum breaks and a tear falls down my cheek.

I bring the phone away from my ear and see that I have multiple notifications.


Yo its JJ Sarah gave me your number

I know she told me and the pogues to give you space and Ill do that for you

But Im always here if you wanna talk :)

Hey sorry I was asleep, thanks for being there for me JJ x



It's Sarah BTW

Save my name in ur phone

You can always talk to me if u need to xx

Hey sorry I was asleep and thanks for understanding xx

I barely smile at their texts as Liv's voice speaks through the phone once again.
"I'll call you if there's any more updates, love ya," Liv sniffles, and I bring the phone up to my ear.
"Mhm," I sniffle and she hangs up. I look to my left at the food on my nightstand and stare at my untouched plate. I feel disgusted looking at it, but show no emotion. I force myself up to go to the toilet and then go back to sleep.

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