Chapter 13- Going For a Swim

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It's now Friday and Kiara has just walked me home from school. I'm getting ready to see the Pogues again, school has been horrible and I've been bombarded with questions, multiple people have asked to hook up, make out, hell I've even been offered to get fingered. It hasn't been very pleasant, the boys at this school are grim- Yes all of them were boys, no girls were straight up with me like that. Instead, they wanted to be friends, talk about boys as if I have any experience, hang out, have sleepovers, go to their parties, all sorts.

I've been with the Pogues all week but they all want to sleep at the Chateau and have invited me. I haven't seen the Camerons since Monday but luckily Sarah is staying at the Chateau too.

I put on a striped crop jumper and white trousers with my now muddy airforces, I smile when I realize this is the outfit I had on when I moved here.
I straighten my hair and pack a bag, I then go downstairs.

"Dad, do you mind dropping me off at the Chateau?" I ask while putting on my coat.

"The what?" He pulls his brows together in confusion.

"Oh, sorry, it's a nickname for my friend's house, the one I was at on Monday after school," I reply.

"Oh, yeah come on then," He says as he gives my mom and kiss.

"Bye Mom,"

"Bye, have a good time!"

When we arrive at the house I notice the expression on my dad's face.

"Fucking hell, this place looks like shit," He mutters and I lightly hit his shoulder.

"Dad, don't be like that, it's actually quite cosy," I smile while getting out of the car.

"If you come back with flees, I ain't gonna be happy," He frowns.

"I haven't come back with flees before, so what makes you think I will now?" I ask rhetorically before skipping to the porch.

"Hello, everyone," I say while opening the door to see everyone looking glum.

"Hey, Ashley," Kiara says quietly and John B lets out a sigh.

"Did someone die? Where's JJ?" I ask with a smile trying to play it off as I joke trying not to ruin my mood.

"Inside," Pope mutters.

"Okay..." I scoff acting slightly more serious as I make my way inside.

I find JJ laying on the sofa facing away from me, he's holding his stomach and curled into a ball.

"JJ? Are you okay? Why is everyone so glum?" I ask as I touch his shoulder.

"Oh, hey," JJ turns only his head to look up at me.

His lip is busted and he has a black eye that he can barely keep open, his cheek has blood running down it and his eyes are bloodshot with his lashes soaked. He's been crying, and he's probably stoned.

I jump back slightly, letting out a gasp.
"JJ, what the fuck? Who did this to you?" I ask panicked, whoever did this did a damn good job.

"No one important," He says as I begin tearing up.

"JJ, talk to me," I sit by his legs and place my right hand on his arm, he stays silent.

I stand up slowly, feeling anger quickly rushing throughout my body. I walk to the porch with tears in my eyes, he looked unrecognizable and barely conscious.

"Who did that to him?" My voice breaks as a tear threatens to leave my eyes.

"His dad," Kiara says quietly and a tear falls.

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