Chapter 7- Remember

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I wake up, squinting my eyes and looking around for a minute before realizing I'm in Sarah's bed. My head is pounding and my eyes sting.

I get up, still in my dress, my shoes and purse are on the floor next to the bed. I reach down into my purse looking for my phone, I turn it on to see it's 2:40pm.

I get up and exit the room, I walk down the stairs rubbing my eyes. When I reach the kitchen I see Rafe and Ward arguing on the back porch which makes my head hurt even more.

"Ashley?" I hear say my name quietly from the stairs. When Rafe hears my name he stops shouting while Ward carries on, his eyes wander around the kitchen until they meet mine.

I look back at Sarah and force a smile.
"Hey," I run my fingers through my knotty hair.
"Just fucking leave it, Dad! It's done, over!" Rafe shouts and enters the kitchen, I turn around to see him walking towards me.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask and shoot a glance at Ward who is staring straight at Rafe with a fed-up expression.
"Yeah, it's nothing," He smiles lightly.
"Nothing? Rafe, you spent 240 dollars on fucking cocaine!" He walks up to Rafe looking like he's about to hit him.

I look back at Sarah who is staring at the ground.
"Have you got any paracetamol? My head hurts like hell," I mutter hoping Ward would care enough not to make a scene.

"Your head hurts?" Rafe asks concerned.
"I'll get you some," Sarah smiles walking to a cabinet.
"Thanks," I turn to Rafe. "Yeah," I groan holding my hand over my forehead.

"Sarah get her some water," He says calmly as Ward walks back onto the porch.

"I was going to do that anyway, Rafe," They give each other a dirty look. Sarah walks over, glass in hand, she passes me the paracetamol and water.
I take a small sip and swallow it.

"You gotta drink more than that, Ashley," Rafe says pushing the glass back to my mouth.

"Do you want something to eat, Ashley?" Sarah says as I down the glass of water.
"Uhm, what do you have?" I walk over to the fridge with Sarah and Rafe sits down on the island.

"We have..." Sarah begins, I zone out trying to work out how 240 dollars on cocaine would be. 5 grams. 5 bags. I frown and Sarah's voice tunes back in.

"Ashley? Did you hear a thing I just said?" She asks.
"Oh, sorry, no," I smile weakly and look over to Rafe who is staring at me.

A few minutes later I decide on a ham and butter sandwich. I sit down on the chair opposite Rafe, place my phone next to my plate, and start eating.

"Rafe, stop being a weirdo watching Ashley eat," Sarah gives him a dirty look and he looks like he's about to kill her.

"Fuck off, Sarah," He presses his tongue against the inside of his cheek.
"I'm the one looking after her, Rafe, she doesn't need you," She says as I take my second bite looking awkwardly at my plate.

"Who's the one that carried her up three flights of stairs after she passed out? Who's the one that took off her shoes and purse? Who's the one that tucked her into bed?" I look up at him surprised, I thought it was Sarah.

"I passed out Rafe, I couldn't help it could I!?" She argues raising her voice, I hold my head in my hands fighting back the pain.

"Shut the fuck up Sarah, god why are you so goddamn noisy all the time?" He says as soon as he notices me looking uncomfortable.

Sarah looks at me, her facial expression changing.
"Sorry, Ashley," She apologizes and I smile.
"It's alright, don't worry, the paracetamol should kick in in a few minutes," My phone starts vibrating on the island where I had left it. I pick it up to see it's my mom.

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