Mr. Incredible, Marcher Girl, Incerdiboy, and Marcher Fan

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(The police are in a car chase and then the criminals start shooting their guns. Then, we see Bob and Maddie driving and getting a ride to their weddings.)

Police Radio: We interrupt for an important bulletin. A deadly high-speed pursuit between police and armed gunmen is underway, traveling northbound on San Pablo Ave.

(Bob opens to his map and sees where the chase is.)

Bob: Yeah, I've got time.

(He puts his car in auto drive and puts on his supersuit and Maddie puts on her supersuit. Then, his car changes into the Incredibile. He and Maddie race down the road.)

Old Lady: Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl. Um, Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl...

(Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl stop.)

Marcher Girl: What is it, ma'am?

Old Lady: My cat, Squeaker, won't come down.

(points to her cat in the tree)

Mr. Incredible: Certainly, ma'am but I suggest you stand clear. There could be trouble.

Old Lady: No, no. He's quite tame.

(Mr. Incredible takes the tree out of the ground and shakes it. Mr. Incredible sees how close the criminals are to him and Marcher Girl)

Marcher Girl: (muttering) Let go now!

(That cat finally falls off and the Old Lady catches him. Mr. Incredible then throws the tree onto the road and the criminals crash into it. After the criminals get arrested, he puts the tree back.)

Police Officer 1: Thank you, Mr. Incredible. You've done it again.

Police Officer 2: Yeah, you two are the best.

Mr. Incredible: No, I'm just here to help.

Police Radio: Attention all units. We have a tour bus robbery...

Marcher Girl: Tour bus robbery. I've still got time. Officers. Ma'am. Squeaker.

(Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl get into their car.)

Incrediboy: Cool! Ready for take-off!

Mr. Incredible: What the...? Who are you two supposed to be?

Marcher Fan: Well, I'm Marcher Fan and my big brother Incrediboy.

Marcher Girl: What? No. You two are those kids from the fan clubs. (stammering.) Brophy. Brody. B-Buddy! Buddy and Pippa!

Incrediboy: My name is lncrediBoy and hers is Marcher Fan!

Mr. Incredible: Look, I've and Marcher Girl's been nice, we've stood for photos, signed every scrap of paper you two pushed at us but this is...

Marcher Fan: No, no, no, you two don't have to worry about training us. We know all your moves, both of your crime fighting styles, favorite catch phrases, everything! We're both of your number one fans!

(Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl kick them out of the car and accelerates.)

Incrediboy: Hey! Hey, wait!

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