Helena and Lucius calls Enda

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Helen: (on the phone) I'd like to speak with Edna.

Edna: This is Edna.

Lucius: E? This is Lucius and Helen.

Edna: Helen and Lucius who?

Helen: Helen Parr and Lucius Best? You know...Elastigirl and Frozone.

Edna: DAHLIIIIINGS!!!!!! (Helen and Lucius get a bit startled from E's response and starts to throw the phone around and drops it.) It's been such a long time after all these years! So long!

Lucius: Yes, yes, yes. It's been a while. Listen, there's only one person Bob and Maddie would trust to patch their supersuits and that's you E.

Edna: Yes, yes, yes. Marvelous, isn't it? Much better than those horrible pajamas they used to wear.

Helen: Uh...Huh?

Edna: They are finished. When are you two coming to see?

Lucius: Look, I'm calling about...

Edna: Don't make me beg, darlings. I won't do it, you two know.

Helen: Beg? Uh, no. (Stammering) I'm-I'm calling a beg-about suit. Ab-ab-about Bob's and Maddie's suits! I'm calling about Bob's and Maddie's suits!

Edna: You two come in one hour, darlings. I insist, okay? Okay. Goodbye. (Edna then hangs up with Helen and Lucius who are a little annoyed that she hung up so quickly.)

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