The Argument

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[Bob had arrived home and Lucius came to pick up Maddie and the kids. They pick up a piece of cake from the kitchen while humming, and walk into the living room. A chair swivels around to reveal Helen and Maddie in their pajamas, almost making Bob and Lucius throw the piece at them.]

Helen: I thought you two would be back by 11.

Bob: I said I'd be back later.

Maddie: I assumed you'd be back later. If you two came back at all, you two would be "back later".

Lucius: Well...I'm back, okay?

[Helen and Maddie then pick up a little rock from Bob's and Lucius' suits.]

Helen: Is this...rubble?

Bob: [with mouth full] It was just a little workout. Just to stay loose.

Maddie: You know how I feel about that, Bob! Darn you, we can't blow cover again! I can't move my family again because you pull my husband into these things!

Bob: The building was coming down anyway.

Helen: What!? You two knocked down a building!?

Lucius: It was on fire. Structurally unsound. It was coming down anyway.

Maddie: Tell me you haven't been listening to the police scanner again...

Bob: Look, I performed a public service. You two act like that's a bad thing!

Helen: It is a bad thing, Bob! Uprooting our family and your sister's family again, so you can relive the glory days is a very bad thing!

Bob: Reliving the glory days is better than acting like they didn't happen!

Maddie: Yes! They happened! But this, your family and my family, is what's happening now, Bob. And you are missing this! I can't BELIEVE you don't want to go to your own son's and niece's graduation!

Bob: It's not a graduation. Their moving from the fourth grade to the fifth grade.

Helen: It's a ceremony!

Bob: It's psychotic. They keep creating new ways to celebrate mediocrity but if someone is genuinely exceptional, then-

Maddie: This is not about you, Bob! This is about Dash and Elsa!

Bob: You want to do something for Dash and you want to do something for Elsa, sis!? Then let them actually compete! Let him go out for sports!! Let her go ice skating!!!!

Helen: I will not be made the enemy here! You know why we can't do that!!


Maddie: (walks herself to tower over Bob) THIS IS NOT!!! ABOUT!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!!!

[Offscreen of the sound of paper falling/rustling is heard. Bob, Lucius, Maddie, and Helen turn to the couch.]

Bob: Right, Dash. I know you're listening. Come on out.

Helen: Vi, you too, young lady.

Maddie: Elsa, come on out, it's fine.

Lucius: Loki and Jack, it's fine to come out.

Bob: Come on. Come on out. (Violet, Elsa, Loki, Jack, and Dash come out of their hiding places) It's okay, kids. We're just having a discussion.

Violet: Pretty loud discussion.

Bob: Yeah. But that's okay. Because what's important is that Mommy and I are always a team. We're always united against, uh...the forces of, uh...

Helen: Pigheadedness?

Bob: I was gonna say evil or something.

Maddie: We're sorry we woke you. Everything's okay. Go back to bed. It's late.

Dash: Good night, Mom. Night, Dad. Good night, Aunt Maddie. Good night, Uncle Lucius.

Violet: Good night.

Helen: In fact, we should all be in bed.

[Helen walks over to the nearby lamp and turns it off and Lucius takes the kids home because Maddie wants to stay with her brother.]

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