Bob and Maddie tell Helen and Lucius About Their "Conferences"

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[Helen and Lucius were organizing the dining table. Lucius then walk to his wife and idles and Helen walks to her husband and idles.]

Helen: You...are one distracted guy.

Bob: Hmm? Am I? I don't mean to be.

Lucius: I know you miss being a hero, and your job is frustrating. And I just want you to know how much it means to me that you stay at it anyway.

Maddie: Dear? About the job?

Helen: What?

Bob: Something's happened.

Lucius: What?

Maddie: The, uh...

Helen: What........?

Bob: The company is sending me and Maddie to, uh, a conference.

Helen: A conference?

Maddie: [stammering] Out of town. And I'm just gonna be gone for a few days.

Lucius: They've never sent you to a conference before.....This is good, isn't it?

Bob: [hesitating] Yes.

Helen: You see? They're finally recognizing your talents, you're moving up!

Maddie: Yes.

Lucius: Honey! Awww...This is wonderful!

Bob: Yes, it is.

[Phone calling. Mirage's number was shown: 866-787-7476]

Mirage: [over phone] Hello?

Bob: This is Mr. Incredible. I'm in.

[Phone calling. Paul's number was shown: 866-787-7473]

Paul: [over phone] Hello?

Maddie: This is Marcher Girl. I'm in.

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