Plane Crash

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(Helen is in the pilot seat and Lucius is in the co-pilot seat of an airplane.)

Helen: Island approach. India Golf Niner-Niner checking in. VFR on top. Over.

[radio static]

Lucius: Island tower, this is India Golf Niner-Niner requesting vectors to the initial. Over.

[radio static]

(Helen and Lucius gets a bit worried and unzips the bag with their super suits but then backs off.)

Helen: Easy, Helen and Lucius. Easy. Easy, girl and boy. You two are overreacting. Everything's fine. They're just...all getting the same time. Yeah.

[They head to the bathrooms to put the suits on.]

(Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl are being imprisoned by a suspension system by their limbs. Syndrome and The Lying Devil walk towards them.)

Syndrome: You two, sir and ma'am, truly ARE Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl. You two know, we were right to idolize you two. W-W-We always knew you two were tough, but tricking the probe by hiding under the bones of another super??? OH, MAN! We're still geeking out about it!........[sighs] And then you two had to just go and......ruin the ride. We mean, Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl calling for help? [mocking] "Help us, help us." Lame, lame, lame, lame, LAME!!! ALL RIGHT, WHO DID YOU TWO CONTACT?!?!?

Mr. Incredible: Contact? What are you two talking about?

(They get them electrocuted.)

The Lying Devil: We are referring to last night at 23:07 hours while you two were snooping around. You two sent out a homing signal.

Marcher Girl: We didn't know about the homing device.

(They get them electrocuted again.)

Syndrome: And now a government plane is requesting permission to land here! WHO DID YOU TWO CONTACT?!

Mr. Incredible: We didn't send for a...a plane.

The Lying Devil: Play the transmission!

Helen and Lucius: ...India golf Niner-Niner checking in. VFR on top. Over.

Mr. Incredible: Helen.

Marcher Girl: Lucius.

Syndrome: So you two do know these people. Well, then, I'll send them a little greeting. (presses red button)

(Helen and Lucius come out in their supersuits and throws their bag on one of the seats.)

Violet: Ow!

Helen: Violet?!

Violet: It's not my fault! Dash, Elsa, Loki, and Jack ran away, and I knew I'd get blamed for it--

Dash: That's not true!

Lucius: Dash?!

Violet/Dash/Elsa/Loki/Jack: [Elsa]...and I thought he'd try to sneak on the plane so I came here and you closed the doors before I could find him and then you took off and [to Jack] it's not my fault! [Jack] You said, "Something's up with Aunt Helen and Dad. We have to find out what!" It was your idea! Your idea! Hundred percent all-yours, all-the-time idea!"

Helen: W-wait a minute, wait a minute. You five left JACK-JACK and LUNA alone?!?!?

Violet/Dash/Elsa/Loki/Jack: [Elsa] Yes, Aunt Helen and Dad, I'm completely stupid... Of course we got a sitter! Do you think I'm totally irresponsible? Thanks a lot! [Loki] No, we got someone, Aunt Helen and Dad. Someone great. We wouldn't do that.

Lucius: All right! Well, who'd you get?

(Helen's and Lucius' on the phone with Kari)

Kari: You two don't have to worry about one single thing, Mrs. Parr and Mr. Best. I've got this baby-sitting thing wired. I've taken courses and learned CPR and I got excellent marks and certificates...

Helen: Kari...

Kari: I also brought Mozart to play while they sleep to make them smarter because leading experts say Mozart makes babies smarter.

Lucius: Kari...

Kari: And the beauty part is that the babies don't even have to listen 'cause they're asleep! You two know, I wish my parents played Mozart when I slept because half the time I don't even know what the heck anyone's talking about.

Helen: Kari, we really don't feel comfortable with this. Uh, we'll pay you for your trouble, but we'd really rather call a service.

Kari: Oh, there's really no need, Mrs. Parr and Mr. Best. I can totally handle anything this baby can dish out. [cooing] Can't I, little baby? Who can handle it. Who can handle it?

(Helen and Lucius look on the plane radar and sees several missiles headed towards the plane.)

Helen: India Golf Niner-Niner transmitting in the blind guard. Disengage! Repeat, disengage!

(Helen and Lucius turn on the seatbelt light and Violet, Loki, Elsa, Jack, and Dash try to buckle in. Helen and Lucius press a button and turns away from the missiles. Dash, Loki, Elsa, Jack, and Violet didn't buckle in on time, causing them to fly around the cabin. Helen and Lucius continue dodging missiles.)

Lucius: Disengage! Repeat, disengage! Friendlies...

Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl: [begging Syndrome and The Lying Devil] NO! CALL OFF THE MISSILES, WE'LL DO ANYTHING!

The Lying Devil: Too late! (they shrug)...Fifteen years too late. (As they walk evilly towards them)

Lucius: Friendlies at two-zero miles south-southwest of your position. Angels 10. Track east. Disengage! Over! [to Violet] Vi! You have to put a force field around the plane!

Violet: But you two said we weren't supposed to use our powers!!

Helen: I KNOW WHAT I SAID! Listen to what I'm saying NOW! Disengage. Repeat, DIS-EN-GAGE!

(Dash, Loki, Elsa, and Jack look outside to see the missiles.)

Dash: Mom and Uncle Lucius...?

Lucius: VIOLET!! Mayday, mayday! India Golf niner-niner is buddy-spiked! Abort! Abort! There are children aboard, say again, there are children aboard!

Mr. Incredible: NO!!!

Marcher Girl: MY BABIES!!!!

Helen: [to Violet] PUT A FIELD AROUND US NOW!!!!!!!

Violet: [interrupts] But Mom and Uncle Lucius, I've never done one that big before!

Lucius: VIOLET, DO IT NOW!!!!!!!

Helen: Abort, abort, abort!

(Violet attempts to create a force-field but the force-field never gets any larger than the size of her head)

Lucius: Abort, abort, abort!

(The Plane explodes and Helen wraps around Lucius, Elsa, Jack, Loki, Violet, and Dash. The three begin falling towards the ocean. Helen's and Lucius' unconscious while Dash, Loki, Elsa, Jack, and Violet are screaming. Helen and Lucius then wake up to see their kids and falling next to them. They grabs them and makes a parachute.)

Helen: Brace yourselves!

(They emerge to see the five kids treading water.)

Violet/Dash: Mom! Mom!

Loki/Elsa/Jack: Dad! Dad!

Lucius: Everybody calm down. Now, I'll tell you what we're not gonna do. We're not gonna panic, we're not gonna--LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!

(Helen and Lucius push Dash, Loki, Elsa, Jack, and Violet underwater. A turbine falls down into the ocean with Helen, Lucius, and the kids narrowly avoiding it. Dash, Loki, Elsa, Jack, and Violet swim back to the surface and Helen and Lucius watch the turbine hit the bottom and explode before swimming back up.)

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