Release Us or They'll be Crushed

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Dash/Violet/Elsa/Jack/Loki: [Dash] Oh, my gosh! Who's idea was this anyway?!

[Violet] Whatdowedowhatdowedowhatdowedo?!

Jack: We're dead! We're dead!

Elsa: It blew up!

Loki: We survived! ...but we're dead!

Helen: STOP IT!!! (Splashes water at them) We are NOT gonna die! Now ALL of you will GET A GRIP. Or SO help us we will GROUND you for a month! UNDERSTAND?!?!?

(Back to the interrogation room.)

Mirage: We have a confirmed hit. Target was destroyed.

Syndrome: Ah, you two will get over it... we seem to recall you two prefer to..... work..... together and only together.......?

(Syndrome and The Lying Devil laugh as they walk away. Bob and Maddie become enraged. Mirage and Paul gasp, and with quick thinking they push Syndrome and The Lying Devil as Bob and Maddie suddenly grabs them. Syndrome and The Lying Devil quickly stand up.)

Mr. Incredible: RELEASE US!!! NOW!!!

The Lying Devil: Or what?

Mr. Incredible: I'll crush her.

Marcher Girl: I'll burn him to ash.

Syndrome: Ooh. That sounds a little dark for you two. Nah, go ahead.

Mr. Incredible: (as Mirage gasps and he presses her harder) It'll be breaking a toothpick.

Marcher Girl: (as Paul gasps and she readies her fire) It'll be cooking a turkey.

The Lying Devil: (chuckles) Show us.

(As Syndrome and The Lying Devil eagerly wait, Bob and Maddie slowly loses their will. They then sigh and releases Mirage and Paul, as they fall to the floor and looks shocked to Syndrome and The Lying Devil.)

Syndrome: We knew you two couldn't do it. Even when you two have nothing to lose! You two are weak!.... (They walk away) ...and we've outgrown you two.

(As Mirage and Paul look to Bob and Maddie one more time with a worried expression, they leave with Syndrome and The Lying Devil as Bob and Maddie start crying, thinking that they lost their families.)

Lucius: Those were short-range missiles. Land-based. That way is our best bet.

Dash: You two want to go toward the people that tried to kill us?

Helen: If it means land, yes.

Violet: Do you two expect us to swim there?

Lucius: I expect you five....... to trust us.

(Dash is hastily pushing Helen morphed onto a boat, as Violet, Loki, Elsa, and Lucius sit on her.)

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