Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl VS The Omidroid

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[They are inside a futuristic plane. Mirage and Paul are briefing Bob's and Maddie's mission.]

Mirage: The Omnidroid 9000 is a top secret prototype battle robot. lts artificial intelligence enables it to solve any problem it's confronted with. And, unfortunately...

Mr. Incredible: Let me guess. It got smart enough to wonder why it had to take orders.

Paul: We lost control. And now it's loose in the jungle, threatening our facility. We've had to evacuate all personnel from the island for their own safety.

Marcher Girl: How are we going in?

Mirage: The Omnidroid's defenses necessitate an air drop from 5000 feet. lts cloaking devices make it difficult to track. Although we're pretty sure it's on the southern half of the island. One more thing. Obviously it represents a significant investment.

Mr. Incredible: You two want us to shut it down without completely destroying it.

Paul: You two are Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl.

[Bob and Maddie are on an advanced seat, they put their belts on, and the seat shifts into a bed, as it is about to enter a shuttle. However, his belly didn't let him in 6 times. The Soldier then increases the seat power and it successfully gets Mr. Incredible in the shuttle and Marcher Girl is already in the shuttle.]

Mirage: I've got to warn you two, it's a learning robot. Every moment you two spend fighting it only increases its knowledge of how to beat you two.

Marcher Girl: Shut it down. Do it quickly. Don't destroy it.

Paul: And don't die.

Mr. Incredible: Great. Thanks.

[The shuttle ejects. It rockets down the island. After stopping, it propels with two blades. After a while, it lands. Mr. Incredible tries to get out, but his belly won't let him out. He goes back in, and punches the shuttle in half. Immediatley, Bob and Maddie start to stretch out, cracking several joints as they twist their torsos and breathing exhaustingly after only bending, and the suits fit less somehat to his larger stomach and her older form, His stomach bouncing like a balloon filled with water. They flex and gets ready.]

Marcher Girl: Showtime..

[They explore through the jungle, trying to find the Omnidroid.]

[They see a blade mark on a tree and a cross on the grass. Suddenly, the Omnidroid surprises them from behind, as it tries to impale them unsuccessfully. It slashes a 3rd time, only cutting a mark on Mr. Incredible's and Marcher Girl's arms. Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl leap over the robot, and throws a punch and some fire that sends it flying to a tree.]

Mr. Incredible [gruntingly]: Yeah!

[The robot gets up, and the real fight begins.]

Marcher Girl: Uh oh....

[The robot charges at them, as they leap over. The robot unfortunately calculated their leaping arcs, and that allowed it to swat them mid-air, slamming Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl into another tree that topped onto the Omnidroid. But the robot rolled out of its way, and reformed. The robot curled up again to crush them, only for Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl to dodge it, as it knocks down some trees before charging at them quickly. Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl sprint their way off, but they almost get crushed by the robot as they jump over a cliff, slides on it, and lands. The Omnidroid arrives at a similar pace, as it receives a boulder and fire from our heroes. The Omnidroid does the same 3 times, the latter hitting Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl. It almost impales them unsuccessfully. Its claw is lodged in the cliff, as the heroes run for safety. The Omnidroid pulls its limb out of the cliff and leaped high into the air, intent on crushing Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl, who leaped out of the way and landed in the lava fields. The Omnidroid lands and makes an attempt to push a worried Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl into the lava as they tried to push back. Not having trained for over a decade, the robot slowly overpower them and presses Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl closer to the lava. Just as the robot drives Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl at the bank of the boling lake. After a few seconds however, Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl roar while using his tremdonous maximum strength and jerk-pulls the robot aside into the lava and she uses a lot of fire on it to burn it.]

[Bob and Maddie laugh in what they thought was their victory, but after trying to spin, their spines crack.]

Mr. Incredible: AH!- ow, ow, ow. Oh my back!

[The Omnidroid suddenly bursts out of the lava through a place of the stone platform, making it crack. It proceeds to spin its claws, as Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl leap on a chunk of rock. But then the Omnidroid grabbed them by their feet with one of its claws and slammed them to the ground before grabbing their arms with another. It began to pull them apart... until it stops when it accidentally fixed their backs.]

Marcher Girl: O-oh...Hahaha!

[He then jack-knives, ripping the claw off its arms and she summons a fire sword and cuts the claw of the other arm. They run under the robot, as it uses his lower sensor cluster. Just as it spots its target, he rips it off and she melts it off, and climbs inside the robot, as it unintentionally starts damaging itself. After a while, it stops, weakened. Mr. Incredible punched off its upper sensor cluster and Marcher Girl melted its upper sensor cluster, as they whistle while riding the robot. The robot tries to pull them out, but it accidentally tears its brainpan out. Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl jump out of the robot and casually walks away, as the Omnidroid motionlessly falls down.]

[A mecha-macaw watched everything, as it zooms to the screen.]

Mysterious Man/Syndrome: Surprising. We must bring him back. Sound the all clear, and invite him to dinner.

Mysterious Woman/The Lying Devil: Surprising. We must bring her back. Sound the all clear, and invite her to dinner.

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