Dinner Fight

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(Everyone's eating at the dinner table while Helen feeds Jack-Jack.)

Dash: Mom. You're making weird faces again.

Helen: Mmm...No, I'm not.

Bob: You make weird faces, honey.

Helen: Do you have to read at the table?

Bob: Uh-huh. Yeah.

(Helen spots Dash trying to take a bite out of steak without cutting it.)

Helen: Smaller bites, Dash. Yikes! Bob, could you help the carnivore cut his meat?

Dash: Ow.

(Bob comes over and cuts Dash a piece of steak.)

Helen: Dash, you have something you wanna tell your father about school?

Dash: [nervously] Uh, um, well, we dissected a frog.

Helen: Dash got sent to the office again.

Bob: [distracted] Good. Good.

Helen: No Bob, that's bad.

Bob: What?

Helen: Dash got sent to the office again.

Bob: What?! What for?

Dash: Nothing.

Helen: He put a tack on the teacher's chair...during class.

Dash: Nobody saw me. You could barely see it on the tape.

Bob: They caught you on tape and you still got away with it? Whoa! You must have been booking. How fast do you think you were going?

Helen: Bob! We are not encouraging this.

Bob: I'm not encouraging, I'm just asking how fast...

Helen: Honey!

[Bob cuts through the plate and table, causing it to collapse]

Bob: Great. First the car, now I gotta pay to fix the table...

Helen: The car?! What happened to the car?

Bob: Here. I'm getting a new plate. [He gives Dash his plate and leaves angrily]

Helen: So, how about you, Vi? How was school?

Violet: Nothing to report.

Helen: You've hardly touched your food.

Violet: I'm not hungry for meatloaf.

Helen: Well, it is leftover night. We have steak, pasta. What are you hungry for?

Dash: Tony Rydinger.

Violet: Shut up!

Dash: Well, you are.

Violet: I said, SHUT UP, you little insect!

Dash: Well, she is!

Helen: Do not shout at the table! Honey!

Bob: (off screen) Kids! Listen to your mother!

(Helen sighs and the family goes back to eating dinner)

Dash: She'd eat if we were having "Tony loaf".

Violet: THAT'S IT!

[Violet jumps over the table and starts fighting with Dash]

Helen: Stop it!

(Dash starts running around the table hitting Violet every time he passes her.)

Dash: You're gonna be toast!

Helen: Stop running in the house! You sit down!

(Violet puts a force field in front of Dash to stop him, laughing.)


Violet: You started it.

(Helen then stretches her arms to grab Dash and Violet.)

Helen: You sit down! You sit down! Violet!

(Dash and Violet go under the table to fight with Helen's arms still attached.)

Helen: Ow! Ow!

(In the kitchen, Bob gets another plate while still reading the newspaper.)

Bob: "Simon J. Paladino, longtime advocate of superhero rights, is missing." Gazerbeam.

Helen: (off screen) BOB, IT'S TIME TO ENGAGE! (back on screen) Do something! Don't just stand there! I need you to...intervene!

Bob: You want me to intervene? Okay! I'm, I'M INTERVENING! [He picks up the table and Helen, with the kids still fighting.]

Helen: Dash, let go your sister! Violet, let go of your brother!

[The doorbell rings and everyone pauses.]

Jack Jack: Hello?

(They quickly go back to their original positions.)

Bob: Get the door!

[Dash runs over to answer the door.]

Dash: Hey, Uncle Lucius, Aunt Maddie, Loki, Elsa, Jack Frost, and Luna!

Lucius: Hey, Speedo! Hey, Helen. Vi, Jack-Jack.

Maddie: Hey, everyone!

Loki: Hello.

Elsa: Greetings.

Jack Frost: Howdy.

[Dash runs back to his seat at the table while Helen quickly stops the light above the table from moving.]

Bob: He-hey! Ice of you six to drop by.

Lucius: Ha! (sarcastically) Never heard that one before.

Dash [gargling]: Oh, Elsa! [He spits water in the air.]

Elsa: WHOA! [She freezes the spit shot and catches it.]

Dash: Aw...I like it when it shatters.

Bob: I'll be back later.

(Bob gets up and heads to the door)

Helen: Hey, where are you two going?

Bob: It's Wednesday.

Helen: Right. Bowling night. Say hello to Honey for me, Lucius.

(A/N: Honey is Lucius' and Maddie's maid. They treat her like family.)

Maddie: I'm staying here with Helen and the kids are too. Be safe. I love you.

Lucius: Will do, love. Good night, Helen. Good night, kids! I love you too!

(Bob pushes Lucius out)

Helen: Don't think you've avoided talking about your trip to the principal's office, young man. Your father and I are still gonna discuss it.

Dash: I'm not the only kid who's been sent to the office, you know.

Maddie: Other kids don't have superpowers. Now, it's perfectly normal...

Violet: Normal? What do you know about normal!? What does ANYONE in this family know about normal?

Helen: Now, wait a minute, young lady.

Elsa: We ACT normal, mom and Aunt Helen! I wanna BE normal! The only normal ones are Jack-Jack and Luna! And their not even toilet trained! [Jack-Jack and Luna laugh]

Loki: Lucky... [Helen and Maddie angrily look at Loki] Oh, I meant about being normal.

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