Back to the City

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(Elastigirl is holding onto the rocket and the van getting back to the city.)

Dash: Are we there yet?

Mr. Incredible: We get there when we get there!!

(Opens window)


Elastigirl: DO I HAVE TO ANSWER?!?!?!?!?!

Mr. Incredible: Kids, strap yourselves down like we told you!

(Violet, Loki, Elsa, Jack, and Dash go to the other seats and strap in.)

Marcher Girl: Here we go, Elastigirl! Ready, Violet? Ready? NOW!!

(Violet presses the button and it opens the jet. Elastigirl lets go.)

Elastigirl: AAAGGH!!!!!!!

(She climbs in.)

Mr. Incredible: This is gonna be rough!

(They very roughly land on the road.)

Marcher Girl: The robot's in the financial district. Which exit do I take?

Frozone: Traction Avenue.

Mr. Incredible: That'll take me downtown. I take Seventh, don't I?

(Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl start to turn on Seventh.)

Elastigirl: DON'T TAKE SEVENTH!!!

(Swerves back on the main road.)

Marcher Girl: Great, we missed it!

Frozone: You two asked us how to get there and we told you two! Exit at Traction!

Mr. Incredible: That'll take us downtown!

Elastigirl: It's coming up! GET IN THE RIGHT LANE! TAKE THE RIGHT LANE!!!


Frozone: YOU TWO ARE NOT GONNA MISS IT!!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Incredible: AHHHHH!!!!!!

(They quickly swerves to the right lane and exits. They narrowly avoids traffic but bumps into some parked cars.)

Elsa: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl hit the breaks causing the van to roll on the road. It keeps rolling until it stops perfectly in a parallel parking space.)

Marcher Girl: Is everybody okay back there?

Loki: Super-duper, Mom and Uncle Bob!

Dash: [laughing] Let's do that again.

(Mr. Incredible, Marcher Girl, Frozone, and Elastigirl see the Omidroid.)

Mr. Incredible: Wait here and stay hidden. I'm and Maddie's going in.

(Gets out of the van but then Elastigirl stretches her arm to stop him and Frozone stops her.)

Elastigirl: While what? I and Lucius watch helplessly from the sidelines? We don't think so.

Marcher Girl: We're asking you two to wait with the kids.

Elastigirl: And I'm telling you not a chance. You're my husband. I'm with you, for better or worse.

Frozone: And I'm telling you not a chance. You're my wife. I'm with you, for better or worse.

Mr. Incredible: I and Maddie have to do this alone!

Elastigirl: What is this to you two? Playtime?

Marcher Girl: No.

Elastigirl: So you can be Mr. Incredible again?

Frozone: So you can be Marcher Girl again?

Mr. Incredible: NO!

Elastigirl: Then what? What is it?

Marcher Girl: We're not...

Frozone: Not what?

Mr. Incredible: I-I'm not strong enough.

Marcher Girl: I-I'm not powerful enough.

Elastigirl: Strong enough. And this will make you stronger?

Frozone: Powerful enough. And this will make you more powerful?

Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl: Yes--NO!!

Elastigirl: That's what this is? Some sort of workout!?

Frozone: That's what this is? Some sort of study session!?

Mr. Incredible: I CAN'T LOSE YOU AGAIN!!!!! (grabs Elastigirl by the shoulders, as he says it) I can't. Not again. I'm not.......strong enough.

Marcher Girl: I CAN'T LOSE YOU AGAIN!!!!! (grabs Frozone by the shoulders, as she says it) I can't. Not again. I'm not.......powerful enough.

(Bob and Helen kiss and Maddie and Lucius kiss)

Elastigirl and Frozone: If we work together, you two won't have to be.

Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl: We don't know what'll happen.

Elastigirl and Frozone: Hey. We're superheroes. What can happen?

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