Confront the Problem!

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Helen: [sobbing] Oh, I am such an idiot. I let this happen, you know. [sniffs] The new sports car, the getting in shape, the blond hair, the lies....

Edna: Yes, they attempt to relive the past.

Lucius: Now I'm losing her! What'll I do? What'll I do?

Edna: What are you two talking about?

Helen: Hmm....?

Edna: YOU TWO ARE ELASTIGIRL AND FROZONE!! My God! (Hitting Helen and Lucius with a newspaper) Pull! Yourselves! Together! What will you two do, this a question?!? You two will show them you two remember that they are Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl, and you two will remind them who you two are! Well, you two know where are are, go, confront the problem! Fight! WIN! And call me when you two get back, darlings. I enjoy our visits.

(Helen and Lucius are at the Parr house, talking with Violet and Loki while walking down the hallway to her bedroom)

Lucius: There's lots of leftovers that you can reheat. Make sure Dash, Jack, and Elsa do their homework, and all of you, get to bed on time. We should be back tonight. Late. You two can be in charge that long, can't you two?

Violet: Yeah. But why are Loki and I in charge again?

Helen: Nothing. Just a little trouble with Daddy and Aunt Maddie.

Loki: You mean Mom's and Uncle Bob are in trouble, or Mom and Uncle Bob are the trouble?

Helen: I mean either they're in trouble, or they're going to be.

(Helen and Lucius goes into her room to pack. Then, they see Dash, Jack, and Elsa. Not wanting them to see the supersuits, they shut the door, then Dash ran to the window and Helen and Lucius closed the curtains, then he runs to the other window and then Helen and Lucius closed the curtains.)

Dash: Hey! What's that? Where'd you get that, Mom? You made a cool outfit? Hey, are those for us? We all get cool outfits?

(Dash runs inside Helen's room again and takes his suit.)

Dash: Ha-ha!

Lucius: Dash! You come back here this moment!

[phone rings]

Helen: Hey, Snug. Thanks for getting back. Listen, I know this is short notice, but I was hoping that I could get you to--

Elsa: What are these? (Holds up her supersuit)

(Lucius takes the suit from Elsa)

Jack: (Dressed in one of the suits and looking at himself in the mirror) Look, I'm The Frost! (looks in the mirror) The Frost likes this. Yeah.

Lucius: Just a second. (To Jack) Take that off before somebody sees it.

Violet: But you two are packing ones just like it. Are you two hiding something?

Helen: Oh, please, honey. I'm on the phone and...

Dash: (snags one of the suits) Yikes!

Helen: Dash!

Jack: (Handing a suit to Violet) Yikes! This is yours. It's specially made.

Violet: What's going on?

Lucius: (Shoving all of kids out of the bedroom) You're not coming! And we've gotta pack!!! [sighs]

Elsa: What makes you think it's special?

Dash: I don't know. Why'd Mom and Uncle Lucius try to hide it?

(Violet makes her arm vanish. She touches the suit and the suit vanishes. She gasps.)

Helen: Snug, I'm calling in a solid you owe me.

Snug [over phone]: What do you need?

Lucius: A jet. What do you got that's fast?

Snug [over phone]: Let me think...

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