Getting the Babies

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(The Incredibles and The Marchers are riding back home in a limo with Rick Dicker)

Rick: We've frozen all of Syndrome's and The Lying Devil's assets. If they even sneeze, we'll be there with a hankerchief and a pair of handcuffs. The people of this country are indebted to you.

Mr. Incredible: Does this mean we can come out of hiding?

Rick: Let the politicians figure that one out. But I've been asked to assure you we'll take care of everything else. You two did good, Bob and Maddie.

(Elastigirl's and Frozone's trying to hear the messages on the phone from Kari while Dash and Jack are rolling the window up and down.)

Kari: (on phone recording) Hi, this is Kari. I have a question about Jack-Jack and Luna...

Elastigirl: (to Dash and Jack) Come on. We're in a limo.

Marcher Girl: Hey, you're wearing your hair back?

Violet: [stammering] Yeah, I just...yeah.

Mr. Incredible: It looks good.

Elsa: Thanks, Uncle Bob.

Dash: That was so cool when you threw that car!

Mr. Incredible: Not as cool as you running on water!

Jack: Hey, Aunt Helen! That was sweet when you snagged that bad guy with your arm and kinda whiplashed him into the other guy. It was so sweet!

Frozone: Honey, uh, yeah, I'm trying to listen to messages, honey.

Kari: Mrs. Parr and Mr. Best, it's me. Jack-Jack and Luna are fine, but weird things are happening. (Elastigirl and Frozone cut to a different message) Jack-Jack's and Luna's still fine, but I'm getting really weird-ed out! AH! When are you two coming back?

Dash: ...aced those guys that tried to kill us! That was the best vacation ever! I love our family.

(Elastigirl and Frozone cut to a different message, Jack-Jack and Luna started crying on phone recording)

Kari: I'm not fine, Mrs. Parr and Mr. Best! Ah! Put that down! Stop it! You two need to call me! I need help, Mrs. Parr and Mr. Best!

Elastigirl and Frozone: Bob and Maddie, listen to this.

Kari: I'm gonna call the police or someone...! (cuts to a different message) Hi, this is Kari. Sorry for freaking out, but both big your babies have special needs.

Marcher Girl: "Special needs"?

Rick: (in the background) Here we are.

Kari: Anyway, thanks for sending two replacement sitters.

Elastigirl: Replacements? We didn't call for two replacements!

(The Incredibles and Marchers run out the limo and into the house. When they got inside, Syndrome and The Lying Devil were there holding Jack-Jack and Luna and they freeze the family.)

Syndrome: Shhhhh......The babies are sleeping. (he chuckles wickedly) You took away our future. I'm simply returning the favor. Oh, don't worry, we'll be good mentors. Supportive, encouraging. Everything that you weren't. And in time, who knows, they might make two good sidekicks. Ha ha!

(Syndrome and The Lying Devil ram the family into the wall and then they break the roof. They fly up to their jet.)

Elastigirl: They're getting away, Bob and Maddie! We have to do something! We have to do something now!!!

(They all run outside to see what's going on. Then, Jack-Jack and Luna turn into fire. Then, they turn into metal which weighs Syndrome and The Lying Devil down. Then, Jack-Jack and Luna start shaking.)

Marcher Girl: Something's happening! What's happening?!

(Then, Jack-Jack and Luna turn into their monster form and starts attacking Syndrome and The Lying Devil.)

Elastigirl: We have to stop them! Throw something!!

Mr. Incredible: I can't! I might hit Jack-Jack and Luna!

(Jack-Jack and Luna go to Syndrome's and The Lying Devil's feet.)

Marcher Girl: (to herself) Throw me.

(Jack-Jack pulls off one of Syndrome's jet boots and causing Syndrome to fly up and bump into the wing of the jet. Jack-Jack and Luna fall off and turns back to normal.)


(Mr. Incredible throws Elastigirl and Marcher Girl towards Jack-Jack and Luna and they catch them and turns into a parachute and uses her fire to slow her down. Syndrome lands onto the jet's doorway.)


(Bob's car is seen flying towards Syndrome's Ship)

Syndrome: Oh, no...

(The car explodes, and Syndrome dodges it, but his cape gets caught on his ship's turbine force as it pulls him in)

(As he panics to get out, he struggles harder, but the force gets him as the turbine's blades kill him. The ship starts to explode)

Elastigirl: Look at Mommy, honey. Don't look down. Mommy's got you. Everything is all right.

Marcher Girl: Look at Mommy, sweetie. Don't look down. Mommy's got you. Everything is all right.

(Elastigirl and Marcher Girl land and the debris land on top of the house.)

(After some of the the smoke clears, they see Violet protected them with a force field.)

Elastigirl: That's my girl.

Loki: Does this mean we have to move again?

(Everyone starts laughing a bit. Then, Mr. Incredible turns around to see Rusty watching.)


(The Lying Devil was arrested but the Incredibles and Marchers knew that she wasn't on Syndrome's side after she tells them everything. So they released her and she lives with the Marchers and her new super identity is Pirate Girl.)

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