Burning Building

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Lucius: So now I'm in deep trouble. I mean, one more jolt of this death ray and I'm an epitaph. Somehow I managed to find cover and what does Baron Von Ruthless do?

Bob: He starts monologuing.

Lucius: He starts monologuing. He starts like this prepared speech about how feeble I am compared to him. How inevitable my defeat is, how the world will soon be his! Yada, yada, yada.

Bob: Yammering.

Lucius: Yammering! I mean, the guy has me on a platter, and he won't shut up.

Police Radio: Municiberg, we have a 23-56...

Bob: 23-56, what is that? Robbery?

Lucius: This is just sad.

Bob: Yeah, robbery. Want to catch a robber?

Lucius: No. Tell you the truth, I'd rather go bowling. Look, what if we actually did what our wives think we're doing? Just to shake things up.

[Meanwhile, on an undercover car....]

Mirage: He's not alone. The fat guy's still with him. They're just talking.

[Back on Lucius's car]

Lucius: What are we doing here, Bob?

Bob: Protecting people.

Lucius: Nobody asked us.

Bob: You need an invitation?

Lucius: I'd like one, yes. We keep sneaking out to do this, and...you remember Gazerbeam?

Bob: Yeah. There was something about him in the paper.

Lucius: He had trouble adjusting to civilian life, too.

Bob: When's the last time you saw him?

Lucius: I don't see anyone from the old days, Bob. Just you. And we're pushing our luck as it is.

Bob: Oh, come on, come on, come on...

Lucius: It was fun the first time, but if we keep doing this, we're gonna get--

Police Radio: We have a report on a fire...

Bob: A fire. We're close! [yelling] YEAH, BABY!!!!!

Lucius: We're gonna get caught.


[Lucius reluctantly drives forward...]


[...as the undercover car follows them both.]

[The camera pans through the inside of a burning building, and then centers on Lucius and Bob, who are both carrying several people over their shoulders]

Lucius: Is that everybody!?

Bob: Yeah, that's everyone!

Lucius: It better be. [He attempts to generate ice in vain)

Bob: Can't you put this out?

Lucius: I can't lay down a layer thick enough! It's evaporating too fast!

Bob: Well, what's that mean?!

Lucius: It MEANS it's hot! And I'm dehydrated, Bob!

Bob: You're out of ice?! You can't run out of ice! I thought you can use water in the air!

Lucius: There IS no water in this air! What's YOUR excuse, run out of muscle?!?

Bob: I can't go through walls! The building's getting weaker by the second! It's gonna come down on top of us!


Bob: All right! Stay right on my tail! This is gonna get hot!

[Bob turns to his side and begins to run with Lucius following him. They crash through the side of the building into the building next to them. A second outside shot of the burning building shows it collapse.]

Bob: Yeah...

[But he realizes they're in a jewelry store...]

Bob: Uh-oh.

[...and unknowingly trips the alarm on]

Bob [sarcastically]: Oh, good.

[Alarm sounds]

Lucius: Oh, no. That ain't right.

[They both start arguing]

Lucius: We look like bad guys! Incompetent bad guys!

Bob: You can get water out of the air!

[Until an officer breaks in]

Police Officer: FREEZE!!!

[They do]

[Lucius, noticing a water container, picks up a paper cup and begins to fill it with water]

Police Officer: FREEZE!!!

Lucius: I'm thirsty.

Police Officer: I SAID FREEZE!!!

Lucius: I'm just getting a drink.

[He finishes the cup of water and then drops his hands to his sides]

Police Officer: Alright. You've had your drink. Now I want you to---

Lucius: (Holding up hands in mock surrender) I know. I know. FREEZE.

[He shoots a breeze of ice, freezing the officer and even the bullet]

[police radio chatter]

Police Radio: Shots fired!


[They enter the building, guns drawn. One gasps and the others turn to look in his direction. The first officer is encased in ice, a bullet from his gun suspended in midair. Bob and Lucius had gotten away safely.]

Lucius: That was way too close. We are not doing that again.

Police Radio: Verify you want to switch targets? Over.

Mirage: Trust me. This is the one he's been looking for and the other one shouldn't be far.

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