Elsatagirl and Frozone Sneak In

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(Elastigirl and Frozone find a way to sneak into the layer, when they spot the monorail.)

Elastigirl: Okay, okay, okay.

(They jump up and grabs one of the cars. Then they jump on top of it, and then hangs off the side. They see where the drones are parked before going into a tunnel. There's an opening in the tunnel showing a rocket, then closes again. Elastigirl turns into a parachute and Frozone uses his ice to slow down before getting off. They almost got hit by another car but moved out of the way just in time. They walk back to look at the rocket again.)

[voices on radio]

Frozone: A rocket?

(Soon, they get into a hallway with 2 guards guarding it, but they're hiding on the ceiling. They pass a mirror and looks at their big butts with it. Then, one guard comes in and walks through the hallway. Elastigirl and Frozone hid on the other side of a doorway before the guard walks past. As the guard gets his key card out to open another door, Elastigirl and Frozone back up a bit and gets their legs stuck in the door behind them. The guard opens the door and Elastigirl and Frozone try to get his key card. They were about to get the key card until the second door closed, making their bodies get stuck. As the guard goes into an elevator, another in it notices them.)

Guard: Hey!

(Elastigirl and Frozone punch both guards and one got knocked out before the other one closed the elevator door. They feel around for a bit until they feel the guard's face. They knock him out too. Soon, a guard comes up to where Elastigirl's and Frozone's legs were stuck. Then, a car with 2 guards came through the hallway where Elastigirl's and Frozone's bodies were stretched and both of them fell off. They both point their guns at them. Then the guard at Elastigirl's and Frozone's legs touched it, and they kicked him, causing him to go unconscious and for the gun to shoot rapidly. A bullet hit the key card scanner and opened the door. Elastigirl's and Frozone's waists hit the other two guards, causing them to go unconscious. They grabbed the key card from the guard in the elevator and opened the elevator door, and opened the door they were stuck in. They soon hid the bodies in a compartment in the wall.)

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