Escaping the Guards

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[Violet, Loki, Elsa, Jack, and Dash continue running.]

Guard: Think they're supers?

Violet: Dash, Elsa, and Jack, remember what Mom and Uncle Lucius said.

Dash: What?

Guard 2: Hey! Stop talking!

Guard 3: Hold it! Freeze!

(Violet and Jack disappear)

Jack: Dash, Loki, and Elsa, run!

Elsa: What?

Violet: Run!

Loki: Oh yeah! (he runs away)

Guard: What the--?! They're supers!

Guard 2: Get the two boys and girls! Show yourselves!


[Dash, Loki, and Elsa scream]

Guard: Hey!

Dash: Ha, ha!

Elsa: I'm alive. Yeah!

[Dash, Loki, and Elsa shouting]

Loki: Uh-oh.

[water sloshing]

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