Helen and Lucius get Suspicious

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[Helen and Lucius are hanging one of Bob's and Maddie's shirts when they notice two strands of blond and black hair. Then, the phone rings]

Bob: (offscreen) I got it, I got it! Don't answer it, honey, I got it! (onscreen) Hello?

Mirage: We have a new assignment for you two. (Helen and Lucius listen to the call) How soon can you two get here?

Maddie: I'll leave tomorrow morning.

Paul: See you there.

Bob: Goodbye.

(Bob and Maddie open the door to leave but see Helen and Lucius in the doorway.)

Helen: Who was that, honey? The, uh, office?

Maddie: Another conference. (Bob and Maddie work their way around Helen and Lucius.) Short notice, but you two know...duty calls. [nervous laugh]

(Bob and Maddie get in their car getting ready to leave.)

Lucius: Maddie?

Maddie: Yeah, what's up, dear?

Helen: (breathes in) Ha...have a great trip.

Bob: Thanks, sweetie. I'll call you when I get there.

Lucius: I love you. So much.

Maddie: I love you too.

(Bob kisses Helen and Maddie kisses Lucius and then leaves.)

(Bob and Maddie are on Syndrome's and The Lying Devil's Manta Jet.)

Computer: This Is Your Automated, Captain. Would You Two Care For More Mimosa?

Mr. Incredible: Don't mind if I do. Thanks.

Computer: You Two Are Welcome. Currently 78 Degrees In Nomanisan. Perfect weather for flying. Please fasten your seat belt. We're beginning our descent.

Mirage: Hello, Mr. Incredible and Marcher Girl. Nice suits.

Marcher Girl: Thanks. Nice to be back... Paul.

Paul: You two will be briefed on both of your assignment in the conference room at two. D Wing, room A-113.

Mr. Incredible: 2:00. Got it.

Mirage: See you there.

(Helen and Lucius vacuum the hallway next to Bob's and Maddie's studies. They vacuum the carpet near the door, hears the vacuum pick up filth and groans before entering the room. They begin to vacuum the study and notices the door displaying Bob's and Maddie's old super suits are open. They observe the suits and notices a tear in the right arm of the suits have been fixed)

Helen: [gasps] Edna.

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