Ch2 Dark

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"Babe, I really enjoy our vacation this time more than last time in Dubai, Japan is the best."

I smiled when I heard Naidie say that. She is hugging my arm while she rests her head on my shoulder, feeling so comfortable. This woman is so simple, her happiness is so easy to grant, being with her most of the time is her real happiness. She never asks for luxurious things aside from the time she asks me for a nice place to live with her parents. Her family is poor and can't afford to buy themselves a house. Her parents work really hard for her to enter a nice and decent school, and she didn't waste her parents' efforts as she also repays them with a good grade and now a decent job as a licensed nurse.

Were now on my car riding back to the city from the airport after our vacation in Japan, and indeed this trip is far better than our Dubai vacation, and I'm looking forward to our next vacation together. But for now, I can't wait to reach home to see my precious angel, my daughter. Since she was born, I realized that it is not only Naidie who now makes me happy but also my daughter. I miss her so much, and how I wish I could fly so I could see her now.

"Babe, I just talked to mom, she called and said she was preparing something for dinner. Let's eat together before you go home, please."

Naidie begged, battling her eyes. I didn't notice her talking on the phone with her mom because my mind was all clouded by my daughter. I smiled at her and nodded my head, her mother's cooking is no joke, so why should I say no to the chance?

It was already 10 at night when I reached home. Naidies' father and I had a little man-to-man discussion while having a little drink, which made the talk heated. After my daughter's birth, I came home for the first time again after 8 p.m. Anyway, I will make up with my beautiful angel this weekend. I plan to bring her to her grandparents' house and spend the day with them, I know they miss her already.

When I entered the house, it was already dark in some parts. The lights in the living room were already off, and only the ray of light coming from the hallway of the second floor gave me reflections of the house. I let out a heavy sigh as I felt disappointed when none of the maids came and helped me take my things, and the worse is that I was expecting Y/N to be there greeting me with her sweet smile, which she does every day when I come home from work or when I come back from a trip, just like today. She always stands there watching me smiling until I enter our daughter's room. When I passed the living room and was about to take the staircase, I noticed that the kitchen's lights were still on. I went in that direction with the intention of just turning the lights off, maybe the maids forgot, but when I reached the kitchen, I was surprised to see Mrs. Jeon in the room, talking seriously to Y/N. It was just a few seconds when they noticed me watching them, but what Y/N did surprised me the most. She turns her head in my direction but immediately turns to look back at Mrs. Jeon, like she is not interested and like I wasn't there.

 Jeon, like she is not interested and like I wasn't there

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