Ch4 In- Laws

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I looked at my side, where Minjin was sitting on her baby's car seat, she looked so happy and excited looking at the huge house in front of us. After we left her school, I brought her straight to my in-laws' place for a visit, knowing her mother was there too. I got out of the car and walked to the other side to carry Minji out of the car. As I was taking my steps to the main door, one of the housemaids came to meet us, as she told me that everyone is in the dining room having their lunch. She led the way, and me and my daughter walked after her.

"Omo, my petty, cute princess is here."

My mother-in-law claimed when she saw us entering the dining room. She stood up and took Minji from my arms as I bent to bow on her, then looked in the direction where my father-in-law was sitting.

"Have a seat, Jimin."

He offered, and I walked to where Y/N and Jungkook were seated. Jungkook was about to stand, but Y/N beat him.

"It's fine Kook, finish your food."

Y/N said as she leave her place and walk to where her mother is, where her attention is still on my daughter.

"Mum, let me take Minji first as you have to finish your food. Dad will not continue to eat if you are not beside him."

They both looked in my father-in-law's direction, as I did as well. I also notice that he really hasn't had a spoonful of food in his mouth since we came.

"Oh, I'm sorry, honey, I was distracted by our beautiful granddaughter."

"I understand. Come, let's finish this so we can play Minji."

My mother-in-law immediately sat beside her husband as they smiled at each other. I look at my wife walking out of the dining room with our daughter, and when they are out of my sight, I look at Jungkook, who was not bothering and was just busy munching his food.

An hour after lunch we decided to leave so Minji can have a rest. My in-laws escort us until the main door, and me and Y/N take our last bow before going to our car. I open the car door for her and Minji to get in, but before Y/N gets inside, my phone rings. She just looked at me with her uninterested face before she turned around and walked to her own car where Jungkook drives. I sighed and took my phone out to see if it was Naidie. I answered the call, but my eyes were glued on Y/N's car that was driving away.

"Babe, are you still there?"

I was back to myself when Naidie called out a little louder. This was the first time I felt like I wasn't really excited and interested in our conversation. Every time she calls, I am like a teenager who is madly in love because I am so eager to answer her call and stop what I'm doing just to give more attention to what we are talking about. But this time those feelings of excitement were gone because I was thinking of my beautiful wife, Y/N.

It was almost three in the afternoon when I arrived at my office. I sat in my office chair doing completely nothing, but thinking about how I had just acted toward my secretary before arriving here in my room. I can't believe I acted the way I just did, which made me ask myself,

Is this me?

When I was walking to my office room, I passed some of my employees, and my secretary's table was the last one I would pass before I could enter my office room, but before I made it inside, I saw my secretary stand up and was about to greet me, but

"I don't want anyone to enter my office; cancel my appointment if there is no one there—no phone calls, no guests. I don't want to be disturbed, got it?"

And before she could answer, I was already in my office.

What just happened? I don't understand why I was so moody just now and why I felt mad at everyone, even though they didn't do anything wrong.

What just happened? I don't understand why I was so moody just now and why I felt mad at everyone, even though they didn't do anything wrong

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