Ch30 Angel

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I sat on my office chair and rested my feet on top of my table as I closed my eyes. I was really tired after three hours of meetings with the board. It was my first day back to work after a month of being absent when I went to look for my wife, and after I found her and we went back here in Korea, I still didn't report immediately to work. I took exactly one month's leave so I could spend more days with my wife and our daughter. I was really thankful that Y/N and our daughter forgave me, and like we promised before we came back, we would leave everything behind and start a new life, and that's what we are doing now. Since we were back, no one has looked at our past that happened here in Korea, all we look at is what's in front of us-the future, our future.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my phone ring. I took it, and saw it was already 3 in the afternoon, and the call was from the line at home.


It was Mrs. Jeon.

When we came back from Rome, Mrs. Jeon was not surprised that JK was not with us. She already knows everything that was happening to Y/N and Jk at that time, and I have no idea where they are. Mrs. Jeon knows Jk and Y/N's best friend got married in England and are expecting their first child in three months. They had to stay behind since they both have jobs there and were expecting Mrs. Jeon to take her flight to England by next month so she would be with them when her first grandchild was born.

"Mrs. Park? Are you still with me?"

"Oh, sorry, Mrs. Jeon, what were you saying?"

"It's about Y/N, she didn't come down for breakfast or even lunch. I went to call her, but she wouldn't open the door, and she kept saying that she was fine, but I know she's not."

"Is Minji already back from school?"

"Not yet"

"Okay, I'm coming back home."

I hung up and grabbed my coat before storming out of my office to the car park. I needed to go home fast, because I was worried about my wife. This past two days, she was very pale, really didn't have energy, and just wanted to lay on the bed the whole day.

"Is she still inside?"

Mrs. Jeon nodded when I asked her. I arrived home faster than I expected, and thank goodness I have a driver that is so professional that even I kept nagging him to hit the road fast because if not, I would fire him, but he never got panic and was still so focused on the road when we were almost flying the way he hit the engine.

"Baby, it's me, I'm home. Can you please open the door for me?"

I kept knocking on the door in a gentle way while asking her to open it, and after a while, the door opened. But I got worried when I saw her eyes were red and fluffy.

"Y/N, have you been crying the whole day?"


She suddenly sobbed and hugged me tight, like her life depended on me.

"What's wrong, baby?"

"J-Jimin, I'm sorry I'm so careless, it's my fault."

The more she cried after she said that, which made me worry but also confused,

"What are you trying to say, baby? Calm down and tell me."

I caress her back, and little by little, her cry slowly becomes soft. She looked up at me, her tears still running down her face, and slowly she looked down on her hand before opening her palm in front of me to show me the reason why she's crying harder and because of it, she's blaming herself.

I took the stick from her palm and examined it well. I was already exploding with joy inside because of the unexplainable happiness in my heart.

"Baby, this means-"

"Mum, is this true? I will become a big sister soon."

I didn't notice how long Minji were standing at the door, but she said those unexplainable things inside me.

"I'm sorry, Minji, I know this shouldn't be happening but...

"But it's happening, mom, and I can't wait to hold our little one."

"You're not disappointed in me?"

"Why would I, mom? I thank you because I've been wanting to become a big sister ever since."

Y/N again cried harder as Minji came to hug her.

This is yet another reason for our family to become stronger.

Another child, another angel.


A/N: Thank you to everyone for the love and support you gave to this book. I'm again asking you to please support my next work, Heartbeat.

Coming soon 😉

Coming soon 😉

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