Ch13 Unsave #

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"Why? What happened?"

"Y/N, are you sure you want to know?"




I lazily watch as the board members walk out of the conference room one by one. We had just finished another board meeting, but this time I wasn't paying much attention. My body was present, but my soul was wandering around like something was missing and needed to be found. My eyes were fixed on the projector, my ears were on the speaker, but my mind looked like it was playing hide and seek with Y/N.

Why the hell is it hard to see her at the four corners of our house? If I wake up, she's gone, if I'm staying, she's out, if I come back, she confines herself to the music room. But even though I know she's inside that room, I can't get the courage to burst inside and ask her, What is she trying to play? Hide and seek? I want to tell her that whatever game she's playing, I'm not interested in it, so she needs to stop and show herself to me when I'm around, but that's not so me. She does what she wants, and I don't give a damn.

"Sir, your phone kept on ringing, and I could hear it from outside, so I came to see why? I thought you would fall asleep, but it turns out that you are spacing out, sir."

Fuck that.

"Are you alright, Mr. Park?"

"Yes, you can go back to your table now."

I watched my secretary walk out of the conference room. I sighed heavily, not believing that I was still here, sitting down, and all I'd done was watch all my employees walk out of the room but me. I pick up my phone, which was just on the table, and check who is calling.

Aunt Narie?

Why is Naidie's mom calling?

I stormed out of the conference room and back to my office after hanging up the phone with Naidie's mom. I grabbed my coat and went out of the building to my car. I didn't ask my driver to drive me since I was in a hurry and a bit worried because Naidie is sick.


Naidie called with her weak voice. I entered her room and saw her lying on the bed, covered with a blanket. She is shivering, and only her face is uncovered. I can say she was very sick because of her very pale face.

"How do you feel? Do you want to see the doctor?"

"N-no need, I already take some medicine. I just want to have a rest. Please stay."

I remove my coat and loosen my tie a little before crawling to bed and tucking my body with hers on the blanket. I turn my phone into silent mode before pulling her closer to me.

"I'm staying, go to sleep."

"Jimin, please pass me my phone. I want to take a photo of us."

Again? Every time, I just smile and still hand her the phone.

"Okay, done, now rest."

I was awakened by an unnecessary movement on the bed, so I tried to look where that was coming from and saw that my phone was vibrating. I checked the message before I slowly sat up at the side of the bed. I put my phone down beside Naidies and started to fix myself. I need to go back to the office and sign some papers.

I walk down to see Naidies' mother in the living room, having a little time off from work. I bid her goodbye before I was out of the house and into my car. I take my phone out of my pocket, I need to call my secretary and tell her that I got her message and that I was on my way back to the office, but then I find out that it wasn't mine but Naidies'.

Fuck I grabbed the wrong one.

When I accidentally shake it a little, the screen suddenly lights up, and that's when I know the phone doesn't require a password. At that moment, I know I will explode out of anger and disappointment.

I was fuming inside when I saw the message app was crystal clear on the scene.

Naidie just sent the photo of us that she took earlier to an unsaved number, but that number was so well registered in my memory.

It was Y/N's number, Naidie sent every picture of us to my wife, but she never got any reply or a reaction from Y/N.

It was Y/N's number, Naidie sent every picture of us to my wife, but she never got any reply or a reaction from Y/N

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