Ch11 Jungkook

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I was just done drying my hair inside my bathroom when I heard my bedroom door open. I tighten my robe tie to keep it from falling open. I pull the door open, and in a second, I become frozen. Looking at the person's back that was facing me made me paralyzed. I know well who he is, I know well that figure, and I know well that scent. He is the man I've been longing for, he is the man I've been missing, he is the man I've been dreaming of, he is the man who ruined and hurt me, but he is the only man I love and will love until I die.

When he turned to face me, I started to cry again, not believing what I was seeing. He said something, but I cannot hear anything. I become deaf to my surroundings, and the only thing I hear is me, my voice, and my heart beating.

He walked and stopped right in front of me, still telling me something and handing me things, but I remained deaf, and I think I was also starting to become blind. My vision is not clear because my tears won't stop falling. I suddenly felt afraid, which made me step backward, distancing myself from the man. I'm afraid that he will disappear again, just like last night when I dreamed of him, and if this is another dream, I don't want to end it that fast.

I don't know that, the ending that I'm avoiding is the opposite of what I'm afraid of.

It was not the ending, it was just the new beginning.

I felt like I was imprisoned in a dungeon for a few hours and that I was going to pass out because I was getting suffocated by the arms that were caging me in between. I wanted to protest and get away from it, but my mind and body didn't allow me since I started to gather some strength and I began to feel alive after 15 years of being weak. I thought I would die any minute.


He let go of me in the hug and started to wipe the tears from my face using his thumb.

"I cook for you, come, let's have breakfast."

My eyes still can't believe what I'm seeing, and the same goes for my ears, which can't believe what I'm hearing, but my body says differently when he starts to pull me with him and I follow. He helps me sit on the bed until I lean my back against the headboard. I manage to put down the bouquet of blue roses beside me, but my eyes never leave him. I am still looking at his face because of something, and I think I know where he got it. After he covers the lower part of my body with the blanket, I hold his arm to stop him when he was about to grab the tray of food, and he looks back at me.

I slowly reached for his face with hesitation, worried that he would stop me, but thankfully he did not. I cupped his face and touched the side of his lips with my thumb.



I knew it. He took my hand off his face and rested it on my lap, still holding it while he stoked it gently with his thumb.

"I will tell you everything later, for now, let's eat before the food gets cool, uhm."

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