Ch8 I still want you

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She turned her weak body to find where the voice was coming from, and her tears immediately ran down her face while she repeated the words that I knew she'd been keeping for so long with a whisper-shout voice.




I went into the room Jungkook told me Y/N was in, I was greeted by the darkness that covered the four corners of the room. I saw her standing near the window, and the ray of light coming from outside gave me the chance to see her sad face looking at me.


She kept saying those words as I took every step to get near her. When I stood a few inches in front of her, she started to hit me on my chest, and cried harder.


I pulled her and caged her in my arms, she was still crying harder, so I started to caress her back, hoping that this way I can get her to calm even a little.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, hate me. I deserved it. I'm sorry."

I said those words while still holding her in my arms and hugging her a little tighter than earlier. We stayed like that for about three minutes until I felt her slowly resting her head on my shoulder while she held the hem of my shirt and gripped it harder.

I felt so guilty, seeing how I ruined this beautiful woman physically and emotionally.

We stayed still, not saying anything to each other, and we just let our bodies speak for themselves until I felt her giving me more weight on my part, at which point I knew she had fallen asleep on my arms but before she did, she whispered say-


I carefully carried her to the bed and slowly laid her on her back, but when I was about to stand from the bed after I'd successful put her down, she grabbed my arm.


I look at her to see that her eyes are still close. I slowly settled beside her. I held her hand and slowly removed it from my arm, which she was hugging, and then slowly lifted her head and let it rest on my arm as I pulled her body closer to mine. She then rests her hand on my side waist, and in this position we both fall asleep.

I woke up from deep sleep because I felt a little uncomfortable and a cramp in my upper arm, so I slowly opened my still-sleepy eyes, and I was greeted by a beautiful view just right in front of me. She was so beautiful, even in her sleep. I carefully caress her smooth and beautiful face and brush away those hairs that are blocking my view. I watch her sleep for more than five minutes before she moans and starts to move as she rubs her still-closed eyes. I smile seeing her at this stage, but of course I also regret those chances I wasted to witness this scene every morning for years.

With her eyes still closed, she attempted to turn to face the other side of the bed but failed when I stopped her by putting more strength into my arms, one of which was hugging her on her waist and the other was holding her on her back.

With her eyes still closed, she attempted to turn to face the other side of the bed but failed when I stopped her by putting more strength into my arms, one of which was hugging her on her waist and the other was holding her on her back

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