Ch26 Goodbye

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I went back home early that day, and you were gone. From that day on, I started to do things that you were doing for Minji. I wake up early to help Mrs. Jeon get her ready for school. I drop her off first before going to the office and fetch her after her class, which goes on until she turns 12. When she enters high school, she stops me from sending her and picks her up in school. She becomes independent, and little did I know, she also starts questioning everything about what happened in the past until she gets the answer by herself. That's the day she found out about your diary, and even I, didn't think of, that you had one.

I was so focused on Minji that I forgot I'm having another problem aside from that you were gone, and that is my problem with her. She sends me messages and spams my phone with missed calls on those times that I was supposed to be free, but when you left, I never had free time anymore. Minji occupies them, which is why I never got the chance to accept her calls or return her messages. Not intentionally, but I end up ignoring her until the day she again crosses the line, which gives us the chance to end everything between us.

I pick up Minji at school, but I won't have enough time to come back to the office for a board meeting if I send her home after school, so I have decided to bring her with me to the office and ask my secretary to look for her while I am at the meeting. After an hour, the meeting was over, so I went rushing back to my office, and I suddenly felt happy seeing my daughter jumping around my office happily while my secretary was following her behind in a very worried state. Minji was so hype that day and went jumping around, like from the sofa to the center table, from my office chair to my table. She was so happy to be in my office room, which made me sad, and I realized that it was her first time to come and play in my office.

I asked my secretary to go back to her table, and from there I stayed with Minji in my office and played with her more until she felt tired and sat on the sofa. She grabbed her backpack and brought out her coloring books as she started to color, while I sat beside her and carefully watched how she colored. I was amazed at how she combines the colors without asking, and the way she holds the crayon is perfect. I was so busy mentally praising my daughter when someone suddenly walked into my room without knocking. Minji and I look up at the person at the same time, but we have different expressions when we see who she is. Minji smiles sweetly, but I became furious seeing it was her.

"Jimin, we have to talk."

I pick up the telephone and call for my secretary to look after my daughter. In a few seconds, my secretary enters my office, and I don't waste a second and grab my coat before storming out of my office. I walk as fast as I can, so she can't catch up with me. I clenched my fist and tried to control my anger until I got into my car. She hopped on and sat beside me. I didn't say anything but to ask my personal driver to drive us to the nearest cafe.

"Babe I'm sorry. Please talk to me. Please don't leave me. I regret what I did. I will stay hidden again. Just, don't leave me, Jimin."

"I again remind you that you will never enter my office until I say so, and here you are showing your face to my daughter. Are you really asking me not to leave you? Or you were asking me to do it fast. Well, I do it."

"Jimin, no, that's not what I mean."

"It is to me. We both knew this was all wrong from the day I got married, but we chose to continue. My parents stopped intervening in my life from the day I married my wife, and so I thought what we were doing was also right because of the love that we shared. Your parents never tolerated our relationship because it was very wrong since I was already married, but I did everything to explain and convince them that it was fine because we loved each other, and they let us even though they were against it. But all of that was meaningless because of what you did. I told you to stay away from my married life, and I handled it myself, but you had crossed the line not once but twice. First, you slapped my wife on the face about her husband having a mistress, and now you show your face to my precious daughter, and I've had enough of it. I will not give you a chance to do it for the third time."

"Babe, please, I'm sorry, don't do this to me, Jimin."

"I'm not trying to threaten you, but let's stop her now before my parents know you enter their building. I'm not giving you a warning, but because I care for your parents, let's part silently and in peace before they get involved in our wrongdoing. I'm sorry for using you and for giving you hope. I love you still, but it's time for us to end all these mistakes we've made. Let's do this for the sake of you and your parents. Goodbye."

I stood up and walked out of the cafe without looking back at her, even though I was hearing her loud cry as I made my way out.

I know her well to say, she loves her parents so much that she can't risk their safety.

Until the day I heard the last news about her. She sold all their properties and went to live out of the country.

 She sold all their properties and went to live out of the country

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