Ch6 Family time

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It's almost a week that I rarely see my wife, Y/N. Unlike before, when I could at least see her in the morning before I left for work and when I came back at night. But this time is so much different, this week the last time I saw her was when we had lunch at her parents' house, after that, no more even though I know we are both here inside the house. I don't know if she knows I was home earlier than before or that I leave later than before. I also don't understand myself why I suddenly wanted to see her before I go, so I ended up going to work later than I had planned because I was waiting for her to come and see me leave but she never did. She also doesn't prepare some clothes for me to wear to work, and what's worse is that even when I arrive home after work, she doesn't show up. She always walks straight to the music room after sending Minji to school and locks herself inside alone or does something with Jungkook, according to Mrs. Jeon.

"Good morning, Mr. Park."

One of the maids greeted me when she walked past me. Today is Saturday, and everyone in this house knows I won't spend the day here. I always spend my Saturday at Naidies' place, but this time I think I can't, I just want to stay home and play with my daughter. It is still early, and I think Minji is still sleeping, so I have decided to go for a little walk.

I intended to come back from my walk at half past eight, at this time, I knew Minji and Y/N were already awake and maybe having breakfast together. I've never seen what kind of life they have every Saturday, and if I'm lucky this time, it will be my first time seeing it.

I entered the house with high hopes, a smile is printed on my face, thinking that I can see how they bond for the first time. I didn't see anyone in the living room, not even the maids, so I walked straight to the dining room, hoping everyone was there to watch my cute little daughter eat, but I was annoyed by the loud silence while approaching the dining room. I was starting to get mad after I didn't see anyone inside. I went out and headed to the garden, maybe they are having their breakfast in there, but I only see two of our maids in there. One was watering the plants, and the other was cutting those dried leaves.

Where is Y/N and our daughter?

The two maids stop what they are doing when they notice me standing at the entrance of the garden.

"Good morning, sir."

"Good morning. Is your ma'am already awake? And how about Minji?"

"Yes, sir, Mrs. Park went out already with Jungkook about 10 minutes ago."

"How about Minji?"

"Mrs. Jeon, bring Minji to the Song mansion first, sir."

"What time will they come back?"

"I think the usual time they do, every Saturday, sir."

"Every Saturday?  Then what time?"

"About 8 at night, sir."

"What's there on Saturday?"

"Nothing really, special sir, just normal family time for the Song family."

I rush into my room and grab a new pair of clothes before entering my bathroom and have a quick shower. Fuck that, I was married to Y/N for more than 3 years, and I just knew this thing just now. I missed more than 150  Saturdays, and I wonder how Y/N handled it. What are the different excuses she gave for those hundreds of Saturdays that have passed?

How did she cover her mindless husband?

How did she cover her mindless husband?

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