Ch14 I can't promise

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I don't know if I truly believe all that he just said. I wanted to, but I'm still scared. What if he is just making a show so he can get my trust, and the ending is him asking me for a divorce? But what feeling is this? My heart hurts every time my eyes land on his lips, which are swelling and have a cut. When I asked him if it was Jungkook who made it and he just said "um," I didn't doubt it anymore. Jungkook has threatened him many times already since the day I went crazy because of what I saw in the airport.

'That jerk husband of yours shouldn't dare to appear in front of me because I can't promise I'll be nice to him, even if you hate me.'

That's what Jungkook said, fuming in anger, when he and my bestie found me drowning myself unconscious in the bathtub a month after we arrived in Europe.

When I left Korea, I was not alone. Jungkook has never leave my side since the day I became paranoid. Jungkook knows me well too, aside from my parents. Jungkook can read my mind and my heart, so I end up leaving him and my bestie. He called my bestie and told her everything he had read in my mind. I never told him about my plans but he just knew it.

When I was at the airport that early morning, I was so surprised that Jungkook and my bestie showed up. We took our flight together, and when we were starting our lives here, they did their best to make me happy, to make me smile, and to make me forget my pain. They did everything to divert my attention away from the hurt I was experiencing in Korea, but it wasn't enough and it wasn't even working.

After a month away from Korea, I thought I would be better, but I was wrong. I get worse each day. When I was in Korea, I only tried to take my life by cutting my wrist or not eating for a day, but here in England was the worst.

That day, Jungkook and Chriz went out to buy some stuff for the house, they told me to go with them, and I was called multiple times by them, but they never succeeded. I wasn't in my right mind that day, and I admit I miss my husband, especially my daughter.

I lay on my bed and made excuses. I told them I felt sleepy and that I was not in the right mood to go out because I was tired. They believed me and left, but when I heard them drive off, I started to cry out of loneliness. I miss Minji so much that I cry hard till I'm almost out of breath. My mind was clouded with one thing at that moment.

I want to end this loneliness, I want to stop the pain in my heart, and that's exactly what I did.

I grabbed the bottle from my closet, which I was hiding from my friends, and took a handful of the tablet and shoved it on my mouth before going on the bathtub and settling my body comfortably before turning on the faucet and letting the water flow on the tub and making it full, but before I knew that it was full, I had already fallen asleep.

I woke up seeing all white before I noticed all the host that was attached to my hand and to my nose. That's when I knew I was at the hospital. I move my head to the side and see a person sleeping in a sitting position with his head to the side on my hospital bed. I caressed his head a little to wake him up. He lifted his head, and suddenly he bolted upright and froze for a second before storming out of my room to call a doctor.

The doctor checked on me and said that I was fine and everything was fine, after he did a few tests on me physically and mentally. When the doctor left the three of us in the room, Jungkook exploded in anger and said those words.

'I can't be nice to Jimin anymore.'

So when I saw Jimin's lips cut and swollen, I didn't doubt that it was JK who did it to him.

So when I saw Jimin's lips cut and swollen, I didn't doubt that it was JK who did it to him

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