Ch16 🔞

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If Jimin is a kind of disease, then he will be Alzheimer's disease, and if you ask me what my name is at this point in time, I'm sure I can't really say it.

Jimins is also like an illegal drug, his kisses make me go so high and crazy that I must have them every time I need them or else I will go insane.

My eyes were closed, and my brain was playing with different thoughts while my mouth was busy entertaining Jimin's mouth. I had been kissed before, but this is so much different. Jimin is the man of my dreams, so this kiss was really special to me.

All that makes my brain busy got cut off when I felt that my back was not leaning on the headboard of my bed anymore. I open my eyes and realize Jimins is still right there all over my face, still busy sucking my lips. He pulled me by my waist closer to him. I held onto his shoulder when I felt he was putting more force between our kisses. He also put more weight on me as he supported my back carefully so I could lay down on the bed, and he did all these moves without disconnecting our lips.

I was now lying on my back as Jimin was on top of me, still busy with my lips. He took my hand away from his shoulder and led it to the back of his neck for me to wrap my hand around it. He then untied my robe and slowly removed it from my body, leaving me with my lace lingerie. He threw the robe on the floor as he settled between my legs, kneeling while undressing his upper body. His eyes were busy scanning my body, from my legs to my chest, until it landed on my now embarrassed face.

I feel ashamed, what if he is not admiring my body but rather comparing it to his woman's body? I can't say that mine is flawless, but I think it's very acceptable to a man's standard, but I'm not so sure about Jimin's standard.

"You are so beautiful, Y/N."

I got more ashamed hearing that, but he again dived into my mouth, and this time he explored every corner with his tongue. As our tongues were busy entertaining each other, he made his hand busy as well by unlocking the hook of my bra before tossing it on the floor like he does with my robe.

His mouth slowly felt mine, leaving it so thirsty for his tongue. He showers my neck with butterfly kisses until he reaches one of my breasts and starts sucking it like a hungry toddler while he massages the other smoothly, and his thumb rubbing my nipple in a circular motion. I let out a low moan when I felt my nipple between his teeth, giving it a little bite just enough not to hurt me. After a minute, he moved on to my other breast and did the same thing as he did with the other one. He didn't stay much longer, sucking it as he moved down again, kneeling between my legs. He reached for the waistband of my lace underwear and carefully pulled it down to remove it, leaving me totally naked in front of his eyes. He again tossed my underwear on the floor to join my robe and my bra. Jimin looked at me, but I immediately covered my face with my hands because I felt so embarrassed being naked in front of him. I was expecting him to reach for my hand and move it away from my face, but it didn't happen. All I felt was a cold thing touching my private area that made me moan and grab a fistful of hair on Jimin's head because of the feeling that I can't exactly explain.

A/N: The next chapter is 🔞 please skip it if you are uncomfortable reading a smut. It was just a simple one, but still a smut.
                🫢 Another one 🫢

                🫢 Another one 🫢

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