Ch10 Blue roses

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I woke up early and slowly I get off of the bed. I went to bathroom to have quick shower. I promise myself that once I found my wife again I will make up with her for those time that I have a chance but I wasted.

I went down to Jungkook's room and ask for his help. I told him that I want to buy a bouquet of roses and asked him if he can come with me  to supermarket to buy some stuff. I want to cook breakfast for my wife and serves it with roses as her breakfast in bed. We went out together and our first stop is at the supermarket. He left me there and told me that I can go grabe the stuff I need as he goes and buy the roses.

After 10 minutes I was done with my groceries so I went out of the shop and wait for Jungkook at the same place where he drop me off. I stood waiting for about two minutes when he came back. I open the car door at the back seat to put the groceries but I was surprised by the beautiful bouquet of blue roses.

Blue roses? Why not red?

"Mr. Park are we all good?"

I was back into my soul when I heard Jungkook spoke.

"O-oh yes, just a second."

I closed the car door and went to sit at passengers seat beside him, then we drove off.

"Blue roses is her favorite flower."

"Oh, thank you kook."

I felt embarrassed in front to him. I'm her husband but I don't know anything about her even her favorite flower.

I'm really stupid.

Jungkook said Y/N usually wakes up at 8 in the morning here in England, an hour later than she does in Korea. It was just 2 minutes left before 8 so were just finish right on time. I carried the tray of food with on hand and the other one was holding the bouquet as Jungkook turns the doorknob for me and push it a little to open before he start taking the staircase going down back to the kitchen as he said I will just leave the mess and he will do it for me.

I used my back to push the door as I slowly take a steps backward to open the door wide, still holding firmly the tray and flowers. When I knew that the door was already wide open I slowly turn my body to get in more inside of the room but Y/N was not on the bed anymore. I put the tray down at the table beside the bed, but never let go of the roses on my hand instead I hold unto it and slowly held it right on my face to have smell of my wife favorite flower.

I was so into the good smell of the flowers and enjoying taking in the scent of it when I got a bit startled when the bathroom door opened. I turn to face her, because I knew it was no one else but my wife Y/N.

"Good morning baby."


She stood at the bathroom door frozen, like she can't believe what she is seeing. I walk to where is she and hand her the flowers.

"For you baby, come, I cook you

I was about to grab her hand so she can come and seat on the bed as I serves her breakfast but she took a step backward. I was surprised the ways she react but I was more worried, what if she change her mind and decided to not accept or not to forgive me.

"Baby what's wrong?"

"I-is it really you, J-jimin?"

I saw tears already start to fall from her eyes, so I went more closer and hug her.

"Yes Y/N, its me your husband, Jimin."


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