Ch5 With him

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After 20 minutes of sitting in my office chair doing nothing but thinking of random stuff, I again start to get mad for an unknown reason. I stood up and grabbed my coat before storming out of my room. My secretary was about to stand when I spoke.

"No one is going home until you finish all the things that needed to be done for today, understand?"

I heard her saying something, but I didn't stop walking, so what she said was not clear to my ears. I walked faster to the building parking area and spotted my driver wiping the windshield of my car. He immediately stopped when he saw me coming and opened the door for me.

"Let's go home."

I order as I enter my car. I want to go home to find out why I am acting this way.

"Speed up"

I again asked my driver when I felt like the way home was longer than it was and like we were taking hours already even though we had just hit the road for two minutes and in just 13 minutes more we will be able to reach home.

"Mr. Park?"

Mrs. Jeon was so surprised to see me at home. It was really a surprise, I never came home this early since I got married.

"Is Minji sleeping?"

"Yes sir."

"Please take her to my room when she wakes up."

I turn and start to take steps on the stairs going to my room when there's more I have to tell Mrs. Jeon, so I stop and look at her again.

"Ah, one more thing, Mrs. Jeon, I will have my dinner here."

I saw how she got shocked hearing that what I just said, which made her stand there without saying anything. I turn my back on her again and start to walk toward my room.

"Mr. Park, Minji is awake, and I brought her with me."

Ten minutes after I arrived, a knock on my door cheered up my mood. When I reached home and didn't see the person I wanted to see, I became so lazy that I just flopped my body on the bed without moving.

"Come in."

I sat on the bed with a wide smile on my face, and when they entered my room, my dark mood suddenly became bright when I saw my daughter with her excited aura upon seeing me.


"Yes, my princess."

She giggles when I shower her with kisses on her chubby face before giving her a kiss on her neck, which makes me earn more sweet giggles from her.

"Thank you, Mrs. Jeon, you can leave her. I will just bring her to Y/N's room later if she wakes up, so she can play with Minji."

"Mrs. Park is not in her room, sir. After she put Minji to bed, she and Jungkook went into the music room."

"Oh, is that so? Okay then, I guess we will just wait for them in the dining room later."

"But sir, Y/N said she will not have her dinner here."

"Uhm, so I guess just me and Minji then. Thank you."

I played with Minji in my room, then brought her down to the garden to get some fresh air. When I put her down, she immediately ran and smelled every flower in the garden. She is like her mother, she loves to be surrounded by beautiful and colorful flowers. I know that side of her mother, I saw how she takes care of and talks to every plant in this garden. I witnessed that every time I stood on my balcony when I arrived home and she was in her garden.

But what are they doing inside the music room? Why with Jungkook? What the heck is going on?

Why always with him?

Why always with him?

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