Ch7 I know

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Judging by how dad acted while telling me his story, I know he is telling the truth, and I believe he already has feelings for mum. What he said is right, we can't force anyone to love someone when that person already has someone special on his or her heart. Now I understand why he didn't love mum back then but now I'm hoping he will feel the same as mum or more than.  I'm glad to hear him say that he put everything end between him and Naidie. I felt really bad for what they did to my mom, but I also understand my dad's situation. I can also say Naidie really loves my dad, not because of his money. Maybe she was also fed up with her situation that's why she sent those messages to mom, but still, I hate her for doing that to my mom and for ruining my family. Now I also understand why my mother left us, she was hurt, and maybe there's more to it than that, and why she didn't bring me with her. I want to hear her reason, and whatever it is, I will not hate her for it, she is my mother after all, and she knows what's best, I know.

"So, Dad, what now? I don't want to sit here and wait for mum to come back because I know she will not."

"Minji, I want to go and find your mom too, but believe me, I don't know where to start."

"Mrs. Jeon, she can help us."

I ran out of the music room with the strong hope that Mrs. Jeon is the key to where mom is. I saw another maid in the living room mapping the floor, so I asked her where is Mrs. Jeon, and she said she was at the garden, and after hearing that, I stormed out of the house to the garden. Mrs. Jeon was spraying some water on the flowers while attending to them. I know she care like how mum cares for the plants. I smile and walk silently to her, hugging her from behind as I rest my head on her shoulder.

"It's so relaxing to be here, I feel so alive every time I'm here."

"In fact, Minji, there's not a day that your mom won't walk in here, even though she's so busy and tired."

"Mrs. Jeon, I never registered in my mind how mom's face looks every time she comes here, please help me to witness one."

She was surprised by what I said and slowly turned to face me.

"How may I help you, young lady?"

"Do you know where I can find

"I'm sorry, Minji, but no, I don't know where Y/N is, but I know where your grandparents are, and I know they can help you."

I suddenly felt sad. A year after mom left us, my grandma and grandpa felt too. Mrs. Jeon said they can't stand still and let everyone from the office, friends, and relatives accuse her of having an affair. They are mom's parents, so they know her better than anyone. They know mom didn't run away with Mrs. Jeon's son because they have a relationship, but because mom is hurt because of her love for dad, and they blamed themselves for that. They also asked mom to file for divorce a week after the wedding, when it was already confirmed that dad didn't feel the same as mom but mom didn't want to.

"Please give us the address, Mrs. Jeon. I want to meet them and ask for their forgiveness for hurting their only daughter, Y/N, my wife.

Dad was standing at the entrance of the garden with my luggage. I look at Mrs. Jeon as she nods her head to dad.

"Minji, wait here. I'm going to pack my things, and we will fly to find your mom."


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