Ch18 🔞

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I wake up whimpering because of the pain I feel in my lower part, and I feel uncomfortable, like there's a lot of heavy weight above me that makes me unable to breathe well. When I opened my eyes, I sighed as I forgot that Jimin refused to get off of me after we were done with our activity. We fell asleep without him pulling himself out of me.


I slightly shook him with my residual strength, but he didn't budge.


This time I didn't shake him but hit him with all the strength that I had, and I guess it worked.


He uhms and lifts his head to look at me. I froze when I saw his sleepy face for the first time.

So this is how cute he is when he is forced to wake up, he looks like a baby.

"What's wrong, baby?"

"Jimin, get off me. I can't move, I can't even breathe well."

"Ugh sorry."

He lifted his upper body with the help of his elbow, which was supported by the bed.

"Jimin, I said get off me, so pull that thing out of me and roll to your side of the bed."

I rolled my eyes at him, not believing his actions. Why the hell did he stay inside me that long without the intention of removing it?

"Not ganna happen."


I was surprised when suddenly I was on top of him with our private parts still attached to each other. I was sore already, but this man is making it worse.

"Jimin, what is this again?"

"Ahh, r-ride me, baby, p-please."

He had never been soft inside me, he was hard all the time, like those soldiers guarding the royal palace here in England. He was stuttering, but I'm not surprised since he said those words while he was holding my waist and guiding me on my pace as he pushed my hips backward a little, then pulled me again. To make it simple, Jimin was showing me how to ride him at the pace he wanted.

At first I kept on protesting, but little did I know I was already enjoying it. I didn't notice I had already thrown my head back, feeling so satisfied, and Jimin suddenly sat up, holding my back while sucking my tits. The feeling of being held by the man you love is incredible. Jimin touching me while we make love makes me the woman that I've never been before. His touch is like magic, it makes me feel so alive but so weak as well.

"Baby, keep going, I'm almost there."

He cut my thoughts short, but I still managed to keep my pace. I didn't stop and never made my pace slow until Jimin flopped himself back on the bed, and I rode him a little more until we reached our highs together.

I dropped my body on top of him because I didn't have any strength left anymore. I feel him caressing my back, and with that, I get emotional, and my tears start to fall. My mind was clouded with different thoughts about Jimin.

"Y/N, are you crying?"


"You can't lie, baby, my chest is already wet with your tears. Tell me, Y/N, what's wrong? What are you thinking of?"

I lift my body and stand up, grabbing my robe from the cold floor, ready to run to the bathroom, but I guess I'm not fast enough when Jimin stops me by holding my wrist and immediately hugs me from behind.

"Baby, talk to me, why are you crying? Did I hurt you?"

I shook my head and tried to get loose from his embrace, but failed.

"Y/N please."

"Jimin, those things you did to me on the bed, and those things you asked me to do on the bed, are they the same things you and your woman did all the time?"

"I forgot and didn't remember at all those things anymore, 15 years now, and no. What I asked you to do and what I did to you on this bed is all I want and had imagined doing it with you because you are my wife, you are Y/N, you are the mother of my daughter, and you are different from any other woman."

"Promise me one thing."

"Name it, baby."

"Don't hurt me again, Jimin, please."

"I will never hurt you again, baby, as I promised."

I cry harder hearing those words. I face him, and this time I'm the one who made the move for another round. I smash my lips on his before jumping on him as he is also very much ready to catch me.

 I smash my lips on his before jumping on him as he is also very much ready to catch me

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