Cp. 38 The Targeted Shukaku

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Naruto jumped on the buildings happily "i'm hungry, i'm hungry~ maybe i'll treat myself and have two eggs in my ramen today!" his laugh cut short when he notice shikamaru & y/n sitting alone in the roof chatting "HUH! what's going on here?!" he quickly run to the stairs "just a minute! what are you doing with my sis shikamaru! in secret place like this without asking me n/n-chan?!" he glared pointing his finger at him "naruto? we were talking about the mission locate nothing else" y/n replied naruto's face change to relief "what a drag you jump to conclusions" shikamaru said .

"Oh come to think of it i heard that the sand village started ninja education imitating the curriculum program of the leaf's and temari and her brothers are working as instructors" y/n said . 


"Really?.. that gaara huh?" naruto mumbled y/n smiled at them "he's trying to change so we should support him guys" .

At hidden sand village~    

"This is hands-on training choose from among these a ninja tool that suits you" one of the kids raised her hand for question "do we absolutely have to choose?" she asked "what do you mean?" kankuro asked her to explain "we'll end up hurting the other person if we use a weapon we might kill them" .

"A weapon is.." gaara saw the student tense up he hesitates "no never mind"  

"A mission isn't a game" temari said "if you were to enter a field of battle with that frame of mind, you'd die" the girl frown and apologizes "you got gaara angry because you ask stupid questions you are in trouble" one of the classmate said as they now choose weapons and their teachers leaving gaara by himself still seeing him as terrifying ultimate weapon but the girl walked forward asking him to be her teacher asking her name 'matsuri' training her how to use rope javelin , at that time in the village gate the guards been attacked by group of ninja "damn who are you guys?!" the sand guard shouted "is this all the sand village shinobi have?" .

"Wait leave this guy alive we can use him to draw that one out" 

Temari & kankuro saw one of sand guard running to them then collapse "hang in there! what is it?! what happened?" temari asked "take me to gaara.. quickly" gaara who stepped in "gaara we were just coming to get you the patrol ninjas were attacked by somebody" , "guys calling themselves the four celestials brandishing strange weapons .. they said to tell gaara that we declare a challenge to you the ultimate weapon if you don't accept the challenge we will take away one person close to you everyday.. and they shall pay the price for you " the guard breathed out and faint returning to the training ground they met with weapon on sandy floor and missing student having no choice this must be brought to a jonin council .

"In the northeastern direction where the ones who call themselves the four celestials left there is the village hidden in the leaves of the land of fire with the land rivers sandwiched between therefore, we will be requesting the assistance of the leaf temari, kankuro, gaara from a unit and prepare for pursuit immediately" before gaara leave his brother spoke "the enemy is after gaara that would be like walking right into a trap they laid" .

"That's right why won't you send a party?" temari argued baki looked over to the other councils then back to them "it might be a diversionary tactic by the enemy the village will become shorthanded if we send out pursues" .

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