One: nameless

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End of August

He hadn't planned this, no not at all. But the way the world works is a mystery, why is everything so black and white. Where are all the colours? All the shades? The deeper truth to it all- Liam doesn't know why he is losing his mind and where the hell all these nonsensical philosophical thoughts are coming from since he's never been very insightful as to question how the universe goes.

But he does know one thing; he didn't deserve any this. He didn't deserve to be kicked out his last college, all because he defended himself. A group of kids ganged up on him on the lacrosse field, they threw the first punch, they knocked him down and kicked him until he could hardly breathe. Blood covered his face but they didn't stop, it made him see red.

Literally and figuratively.

When he retaliated, when he defended himself, unfortunately a teacher caught him, they caught him hitting back. Smashing one of the guy's head repeatedly against a brick wall so hard that everyone stilled from hearing an ugly crack, the back of guy's head split open and he had to be rushed to the hospital. When Liam was waiting for his mom and step-dad in the office all he thought was- good.

Good that that kid got rushed off to hospital, he attacked first so it was only fair he paid the real price.

When the head of the college asked him if he regretted it he said his honest truth; "I'd do it again in a heartbeat."

And that's what really got him kicked out, for admitting the truth. But Liam's not really a great liar, what's the point in being one?

He was always bullied in school, everywhere he went and now even in college. So he was allowed to hit back for once, and he was allowed to tell the truth and he didn't regret it. He just regretted getting caught and being kicked out for good. Because that meant stressing his parents out to him a new school to go to, fortunately they found one; Beacon hills college, great ratings, great sport, great people.

He had that in mind when joining this place, he was ecstatic for a new beginning. All of his friends are here after all, meaning Mason and Corey. Mason- his best friend from when he was young. Corey- the friend he made in high school after being introduced as Mason's boyfriend. And the only friends he's ever had, because like stated before; he was always bullied.

The three of them were always picked on for anything anyone could pick on them for. Though they had each other so they didn't care, but then Liam's parents thought it'd be best that he went to Devon prep college because it could help him in better ways. Meaning he was split from his friends, so he's happy to see them again.

But soon as he walked through the door to his new home he knew he had built everything up again, to be better than it will actually be. He set his expectations high; his friends are here so it's going to be like old times. He will finally have people to talk to during lunch.

He kepts that in mind as he meet his new roommate...


Reaching the door of '9' on the college campus, Liam sighs and shifts a box he holds in his left hand. Pushing the door open, but as soon as he walks in the box nearly slips from his grasp as he lets out a small "oh". A guy laid on a bed near-naked as a girl lays snuggly on top of him.

Near-naked too.

The girl's head whips around before snorting, "uh, sorry-" Liam stutters as she howls to herself finding this situation hilarious, her forehead hitting the guy's bare chest. Liam's eyes widen a tad as he actually looks at the guy's chest and all of it's glory- he snaps out of it a moment later when the boy sits up with a clear pissed off expression. Like Liam interrupted his action, which he totally did but... "you ever hear of 'sock on the door?'" Slips out of him and he realises in that moment why he has always gotten bullied.

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