Twenty one: rabbit hole

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Liam's POV:

Liam was finally properly in 'The Awake', over the holidays he was put back on his medication and other ones to help stabilise him. He lashed out just before Christmas, kicking in their TV- but in his defense, his mom was annoying him. Always asking too many questions and prying too much, then moaning and nit picking every tiny thing he did.

It was exhausting so he snapped, then his parents found out he stopped taking his medication and he was sent straight to the doctor to be fixed.

While in The Asleep he knew that Mason was caring for him, yes Theo was for a few days- though he's not sure why he volunteered to do so. But as soon as Mason got the call from Theo that he was leaving, he rushed over to check on Liam.

When he got there Liam was fidgeting and he looked in pain, then he saw a cut on Liam's arm and he was confused and worried. He checked Liam's phone to see the picture of unknown towering over him.

Mason and Nolan have a board back at Mason's, with different colored string and suspects of who unknown could be. They weren't getting very far but they had filled in a lot of blanks, like when did it start? Halloween. What did it start with? A costume. How many are there? More than one.

Once Liam woke up he had energy that he hadn't been using, so he used it. He exercised in his room until Theo came back, then he argued with him and left. Then he went to Hayden's to see if she was okay and she invited him to a party.

He attended but he didn't drink because he couldn't drink straight away on his tablets. Gwen thought he was boring but he just he shrugged it off, Alec was there but no Theo. Everytime he saw the boy he felt... annoyed, he was annoying. He was sweet and kind but he hated seeing him next to Theo, and he didn't know why.

The party went on and Mason, Corey and Nolan joined them and later on so did Issac. It was a fun night, stress free night.

The next day Liam spent it at Nolan's and the day after and the day after untill he finally came back, but Theo wasn't there thankfully. He's mad at the guy, but he understands why he left and besides. It wasn't his responsibility to look after Liam, but he still felt on edge after unknown was there.

He opens Theo's closet to steal something and notices the pictures on the inside, of him and his friends. Of Issac and Tracy, of Alec and Gwen and Hayden. They all looked happy, he sighs at that and goes to close it but another picture catches his eye.

A picture of him.

It looks like when they went to the mall, he seems happy with a wide toothy grin and scrunched up eyes. Arcade lights flashing on him as his messy hair dangles down- god, he needed a hair cut.

He can't remember when Theo took it.

He takes the picture carefully and he doesn't know why his cheeks turn pink.

Theo actually put up a picture of him with the rest of his friends? It was strangely sweet, and he felt his heart beat faster, even though he was annoyed with the guy he still wanted to go and talk to him.

He shakes his head, and pockets the photo because yes he's still a bit mad with Theo.

Mason comes around later on and he talks about it and his friend. Who thought it was childish to be mad at Theo, when he questioned why, Mason said that he couldn't rely on Theo. Which was true, he was just some bad boy in a gang, why would he expect Theo to look after him? And he shouldn't have to anyway. 

Later on Nolan and Corey comes barging in his room and his eyes widen, "what's wrong?" He asks and notices their freaked out looks. Nolan shakes his head and sits down on the bed as Corey splutters.

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