Twenty six: like the devil

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Liam squeezes his thighs around Theo's waist as he leans down to kiss him, ever since they made amends they haven't been able to keep their hands off of each other. Inbetween making a plan to take the unknowns down, they share stolen kisses when they're friends aren't around.

Liam says he hasn't forgiven Theo for what he's done yet but Theo's slowly earning that trust back, Nolan and Mason are the same. They're don't fully trust Theo after what he did, but they are working with him and putting an amicable front up for Liam's sake.

Theo grabs the hem of Liam's shirt and pulls it off his body, he throws it and before Liam knows- their position changes. Theo now on top of Liam who pouts but Theo only smirks in return. He leans down and kisses Liam's neck, which falls to the side giving Theo more room to work with.

His toes curl enough to making clicking sounds as Theo grinds down on him but it's light, just enough to tease. The older bends down and captures Liam's lips in his own, he grunts as Theo taunts him whilst kissing so he grabs Theo's waist and pulls him down against him. Wanting to feel Theo. He moans and Theo lets a slight gasp out before he's grinning.

"Eager are we?" He grunts out with a raspy tone of voice. Liam kisses him and digs his fingers into Theo's sides before rough hands grab at his wrists. He furrows his brows as his hands are raised above his head, one of Theo's hands wrapped securely around them. Making sure he doesn't touch untill Theo says he can.

"Uh-uh little thorn, did I say you could do that?" He torments and his grin widens as Liam moans.

"You're such a sadistic asshole" Theo snorts at that and bends down, taking Liam's lips in his. It's passionate but desperate, Liam trying to take anything he can get while Theo is offering it to him. His tongue finds it's way into the older boy's mouth and he sighs in contentment of Theo allowing him atleast something.

Theo grinds against him again and he moans out, his fingers tightening into a ball in the sheets- wanting to touch, but being trapped above him. Theo smirks and bites away at Liam's neck, leaving small bruises behind. "That looks good on you" Theo whispers out dangerously and Liam closes his eyes, shivering. "My mark looks good on you" he says grinning like the devil as he pulls away.

Liam tries to chase him but it's no use, Theo's head is already lowering down his body. He starts to trail light kisses down Liam's chest who whines for more, almost begs and cries for it, he licks down Liam's abs until his face hovers near Liam's v-line. He looks up and Liam watches him as he toys with the start of Liam's sweatpants.

His finger lightly tracing Liam's skin there which tickles, it makes his skin tingle and him yearn for more. "Please" he breathes out and Theo smirks before dragging the boy's sweatpants down his legs. They pool at his ankles and Theo places Liam's hands beside him on the bed.

"Keep them there" he warns and Liam nods eagerly, he bites his lip and obeys. His fingers curl into the cover as Theo then drags his pants down. So he is fully naked underneath Theo.

He closes his eyes as he feels a warm breath so close to his dick. He shivers but forces his eyes to stay open as Theo suddenly takes him in his mouth, it's strange to see the school's bad boy- a gang member in this position. He wonders if he's done this before.

But as Theo takes him further in his mouth, he gasps out, he definitely has. Liam's fingers curl around the sheets, his breath coming out in uneven pants as he looks down at Theo. But Theo isn't looking at him in return, which Liam gets. It's a vulnerable position to be in, and Theo is anything but that.

"Theo" he gasps out as Theo's tongue swipes against his tip causing him to pant out for more. His fingers twinge to touch Theo, to wrap his fingers in the stands of his hair but he knows better not to. If he doesn't do as Theo says he knows Theo would go straight back to teasing him, getting him worked up with no release.

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