Eight: built on destruction

725 41 74

Start of October

Liam was peacefully painting his nails a light nude colour, he did that a lot. Ever since Mason gave him a full make over; makeup, his outfit and nails included when they were six. He found out that he hated the glittery skirt his friend made him wear, and the caked make up piling on his face- bit he did enjoy the painted nails.

And ever since he has painted his nails.

The door opens and he rolls his eyes, tilting his head at his fingers. He's sat at the desk, he was busy doing his course work but he needed a quick break.

Liam didn't speak as Theo threw himself onto his own bed, leaned up on his pillow watching Liam for a few seconds who gave him a look. A look that questioned why Theo's eyes were on him before they closed, Theo then fiddles with his pockets and Liam watches him through his fallen hair. Trying to not mess up his nails but also weary of Theo- he always has to be on guard around the other man.

Their pranks are wild and continuous, he could strike at any second.

Theo pulls out a ciggerete and places it between his lips, lighting the cig he deeply inhales. Sighing after as though he really needed that, Liam rolls his eyes and carries on painting his nails.

Once he was done he begrudgingly turned to Theo who was now sat up on the edge of his bed watching him already. Legs spread and an intense look in his eyes while his face remained impassive, a vacant stare. He wore a black beanie with strands of his hair falling out, he seemed to wear that a lot- that and his leather jacket.

Well not his leather jacket anymore, since Liam hid it.

"What are you doing?" A gruff voice asks and Liam momentarily glances at Theo before putting his nail polish to the side and resuming his work.

"Well I was doing my nails" he starts, "obviously" he mutters under his breath with a sigh. "And now I'm doing my work, so shush please" he looks to Theo who wears a stony expression. A big cloud of smoke leaving his mouth before he sarts to smirk.

"Yeah I see that. Why?" He snorts and tilts his head to the side in a cocky manner and Liam's fingers tighten around his pen. He shrugs, "why not" his reply is quiet, and low. Like he doesn't want to be conversing with Theo at all- which he doesn't.

"Hm" Theo nods along, a smug look piercing his face. "Don't you think that's a bit off" Liam pauses what he's doing and turns to Theo with raised brows. He looks pleased that he's getting a reaction which causes Liam to huff out of annoyance.

"Off?" He says, wanting Theo to clarify what he means. But Theo shrugs and stands, he walks the short distance to Liam. Now stood directly behind the other male, he leans over him and puts his ciggerete out... on Liam's work. Liam gasps at that as he watches ash decorate his page and he isntantly grits his teeth.

"Yeah, off. Didn't think you'd be into this" he picks up Liam's nail polish and looks at it. Liam shakes his head, managing to somehow control his anger. He wipes at the ash and curses Theo in his head.

"Oh yeah, why's that?" He questions and Theo shrugs, "'cuz you're on the lacrosse team and all, you just seem..." he drifts of, trying to find a fitting word and Liam eggs him on with a "seem?" Of his own. Theo huffs, scratching the back of his neck "fuck, I don't know. Like you'd not be into all of this, you don't act girly" he finishes and Liam scoffs.

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