Twelve: halloween

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End of October- Halloween

Liam had tried to text 'unknown' back but it said he couldn't, he didn't know why or how that was even possible. His mind was so preoccupied about this stranger, on why this person would threaten his friends like that and get him to wear this costume. It wasn't even a bad costume, Liam even liked the idea, it was quite funny.

He had woken up at 6am and decided to go on a run, waking Theo up in the process but he didn't pay no mind to that. He went on his run and he even took a longer route, he wanted to take his mind off of things.

When he came back to the room he was still jittery and in his thoughts about this person. Thinking about why they would message him out of everyone, and that if it is a prank why would they prank him? He did push ups on the floor, and then he did sit ups. He jogged on the spot, and he somehow ended up doing yoga.

Which is when Theo threw a pillow at him as calming music blasted through the speakers, "shut the hell up and stop moving!" He yelled out and stuffed his face in his cover.

Liam sighed and started doing silent stretches before he decided to clean their room, starting with his side. He did his bed and made sure it was neat and perfect, then he tided the floor. Which was mostly cluttered by Theo's dirty clothes. "Why can't you ever just put your used clothes in the basket?" Liam sighed with a pile of Theo's clothes in hand.

Tossing them into their laundry basket, "why can't you ever shut up?" Theo retorted- not a great nor clever comeback as he was half asleep.

Liam glanced to him as he was slowly closing his eyes, he wore his beanie at night which Liam thought to be odd, but he found it strangely innocent that strands of Theo's hair poked out from the hat in all different directions. He shook his head and focused back on cleaning.

After the room was spotless it was around 8am, which is when Theo decided he had enough and he got up. He showered and when he came back Liam was in the middle of studying for an important test while his music blastered out of the speakers.

Theo thought it to be impossible that one boy could be this hyperactive and crazed, his early 6am runs and his manic cleaning was enough to drive Theo over the edge. He watched Liam at practice and how he danced along the field like a lunatic, flipping about like he had all the energy in the world. Theo didn't understand it, he was expecting some quiet awkward guy after their first meeting. Or some jock- not this maniac.

The Halloween party was in a few days and Liam knew he should wear the costume that this unknown person gave him. Just in case their threat was real about Mason and Corey.

"Turn this down" Theo yelled over the music, jumping on his own bed and grabbing his phone. Liam scoffed at that.

"I will do no such thing" he said calmly but soon the speaker's wire was being ripped out of it's socket by Theo. His face dropped at that and he looked unimpressed at the culprit. "Now was that really necessary?" He questioned, but Theo simply dropped the wire and carried on texting away.

Liam started humming to himself instead, he liked having music on when he was studying. It made the process more fun, and he was not one for learning so at least this encouraged him. He was a music buff, he played the guitar when he could but sadly he didn't own one.

"You are like a fly I can't get rid of" Theo states and Liam rolls his eyes, "how are you even doing that? Singing while taking information in." Theo genuinely asks, like he's actually wanting to know the answer. Liam scoffs at that.

"Because I can multitask" he grins and Theo rolls his eyes dramatically, he looks outside quickly noting that it is raining before putting his hood up.

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