Twenty eight: things change

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Start of March

Theo takes Liam's shirt off and starts to kiss at his bare skin, his kisses are delicate and soft. Causing Liam to shiver all over in need for more, he raises his neck and Theo takes it as an invite to attack it. "Theo" he whines as he ruts down on the taller man, they're in their room just the two of them with no distractions for once.

The sound of Liam calling out his name like that is music to Theo's ears, he grabs Liam's chin and kisses his mouth passionately. When they seperate Liam is breathless, and hard.

Wanting more, he moves his hips down on Theo whos teeth grit together. It's a running thing for them to see who can get the other to moan the most, Theo is currently winning. And Liam can't have that. "Theo, please" he begs- not really knowing what he's begging for. But he wants more. Wants something.

He takes Theo's lips in his and feels the boy smirk, "you're so desperate" Theo whispers and Liam bites his lip in retaliation. "Ouch" Theo snorts while throwing Liam to the bed so they are no longer sitting, he hovers over him. Moving a strand of hair behind Liam's ear he bends down next to his over, "beg for me" he commands in the boy's ear and Liam squeezes his eyes shut.

His legs curling around Theo's waist to bring them closer together even though they still wear jeans. He's red and humiliated because he's never begged before, but he's like an addict for Theo's touch. He wants him, every part of him, "please, Theo" he obeys in a breathy tone despite the embarrassment.

Theo brings his head back and he's not smirking anymore, he's looking intently at Liam like that's all that matters in the world right now. He bends down and lightly kisses him, Liam tightens his legs around his waist and brings his hand to the back of Theo's neck.

Theo trails kisses down Liam's own neck as his hand snakes it's way into the boy's jeans, Liam sucks in a breath as Theo's fingers curl around him after making their way into his pants. His thumb rubs against his slit and Liam moans, so Theo kisses him to quiet him. Not wanting the whole hallway to hear as there's a lot of tests and people are probably trying to cram in studying.

Theo's hand curls into a fist around Liam's cock and he tugs once, earning another breathy moan from the boy beneath him. Liam's hands make their way to Theo's back as Theo tugs on him, he inches up with his hips every now and then to get more. More of anything Theo is offering him, but Theo's other hand grips at his hip and pins him against the bed.

"Don't be a brat" Theo smirks and kisses Liam who whines as Theo's speed picks up, before he knows it he is releasing in Theo's hand. His legs shake slightly as his nails drag against Theo's back harshly, he breathes into their kiss and as it breaks Theo bites at his lip.

"Think you've made me bleed" Theo says with dark eyes as he stands up and enters the bathroom, Liam is lying on his back and wiping the sweat from his forehead. When Theo returns he's shirtless and with a now clean hand, Liam sits up on his elbows as Theo turns around and points to his back.

Big nails scratches are along it with splodges of dried blood, Liam almost whimpers at the sight but he bites his lip so hard to not. He watches Theo through his lashes still wanting more, realising that as much as Theo likes to mark him- Liam likes to leave a trace.

He sits up on the edge of the bed as Theo makes his way back to the boy, Liam rests his head against his chest and Theo pets at his hair. "Are you tired?" He questions and Liam nods, Theo snorts and bends down. Pecking his lips.

When they break away they hear a knock at the door and Liam raises his brow as Theo gives him a quizzing look. He shrugs his shoulders so Theo walks to the door, when he opens it there's no on the other side.

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