Twenty: really are damaged

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Theo's POV:

Start of January

The first couple days of Liam not being awake fully Theo tried, he woke Liam up at random times throughout the days and tried to get him to eat. He tried to make him get himself to the bathroom but the boy would slap him away, turning around to fall back into a deep sleep.

Theo was annoyed at that because he had his own shit to deal with than babysit his blacked out roommate, but he felt like he should at least try. Because Mason wasn't there the whole time, he was busy with classes or with Corey or pulling pranks.

And Theo didn't want to bother him, untill the third day Liam didn't eat at all. He hadn't showered in a while and Theo didn't know what to do, he started to panic.

He wasn't cut out for this, he could barely take care of himself let alone someone else. So he called Mason on the third day and Mason rushed straight over but before he came around Theo had already left.

He left Liam laying there like a corpse and he didn't look back.

It had reminded him of his mom, when they were kids- Tara and him, and how his mom was dying. Spending everyday in bed due to her horrible disease. The two took care of her because their dad couldn't be bothered to, instead he was out every night getting wasted and forgetting about the family he had left at home.

Theo shook his head and stopped of at Gwen's, when she opened the door she raised a brow at Theo's packed bag. "I'm staying here for a few nights" he grunted out and barged past her, she huffed out simply before closing the door and jumping onto her sofa.

"Tracy!" She yells out, "I literally just got back home, I'm not dealing with this" she mutters to herself while rolling her eyes and Theo tries not to take offence. The girl comes down the stairs, her hair a mess and lipstick smudged.

Theo smirks, "who's the unlucky girl?" He questions and the door upstairs opens. Tracy rolls her eyes walking down the steps and heading into the kitchen.

"Why the hell are you even here? It's 8pm" she groaned out and he tossed his bag on their floor. Gwen snorts at that as Theo sits down on her feet which were up on the couch and she yells out and slaps him away.

"Because I feel like I can't breathe in my own dorm, so here I am" he grins sarcastically, sticking his hands out in a 'ta-da' position. He hears Tracy moan and he shakes his head, turning to Gwen. But when he spots Gwen her face is pale and her eyes are cold, as if she's seen something she wish she never did.

He follows her eyeline up to the staircase and notices Hayden, sporting the same run down look that Tracy had. Her clothes hanging of her, makeup smudged and her hair like a bird's nest.

He looks down to his lap as Gwen shoots up and rushes to the stairs, running past a proud looking Hayden but soon her look is dropping.

"What happened?" She questions Theo who shrugs, pointing behind her to a disappearing Gwen. "What's wrong with her?" Theo stands up and sighs.

"I'll see" though he knew.

He wanderes up the stairs as Hayden joins Tracy in the kitchen, he knocks softly on the door and Gwen soon opens it and instantly wraps her arms around Theo.

He huffs out and awkwardly stands there for a moment, "this is why you don't catch feelings" he reminds her and she sniffles.

"Please just be my friend right now Theo" he bites his lip at that before his arms hesitantly circle around her thin body. His hand snuggling around her waist and the other on the back of her head. "This fucking sucks" she whispers out, her voice cracking as tears well in her eyes. Theo shuts the door with his foot.

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