Seven: don't you dare

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End of September

The next day Gabe and the others had already retaliated, they snitched to the head of college that it was Mason and Liam who broke into the office and stole the keys and went to the roof. They believed Gabe instantly as Mason had written on the white board, and all the principal had to do was match his handwriting.

"You're a dickhead" Liam whined while hitting Mason on the arm who pulled back with an exaggerated wince.

"Oi it's not my fault, anyway I can't believe they ratted. They are such snitches, who does that! We don't snitch" Liam rolls his eyes passing him the litter picker and grabbing the black bin bag from Mason. This was their punishment for going on the roof, Liam was mortified because the principle found it funny to make them wear orange jump suits as if they were in prison as they cleaned the college grounds for litter.

Theo and his friends had caught them and Theo made Issac film them, "wow Dunbar, it's nice to see you practising for your future" he had shouted from across the grounds.

Liam shook his head, "suck a dick Raeken" he yelled back and Theo and his friends laughed to themselves before leaving. "Don't start" he gave pointed eyes to Mason who was creasing behind his hand.

They had to do this for the rest of the week.


The next few weeks were spent with Theo and Liam constantly pranking each other none stop. Liam was done with his punishment and Mason... well Mason had to do another week for throwing all the litter they found on the last day over Brett.

In all fairness he did trip Liam up and laughed at him from above, Liam saw red and was about to attack before Mason intervened. And attacked him himself, it was quite humorous in the moment.

The first prank Theo pulled on Liam as revenge was putting up the pictures of Liam in his orange jumpsuit all over the campus. Liam had found this funny actually because it made him look bad ass so... "thank you Raeken" he said when passing him in the hallways after spotting the picture on a door.

That pissed Theo off.

He then decided to fill Liam's locker with cream, and nothing but cream. All of his books were ruined and everything he had inside, they seem to like to destroy each others belongings. Which gave Liam the clever idea of stealing Theo's leather jacket.

He hid it away from him and Theo cornered Liam one afternoon on the way to lacrosse practise, "I don't know what you mean" he shrugged innocently.

But inside his locker in the locker rooms was Theo's book and now his jacket, he liked adding to the list. Maybe he could steal more of Theo's things, he was always a great thief. One time he and Mason stole Brett's phone in their last school, they broke into it because they wanted to see if Brett was cheating on Liam; he was.

They continued playing little pranks on each other that got on the other's nerve, Nolan put his hands up and said he was out. "I have work and my classes to focus on, I hate him and this is hilarious but you guys are pranking each other literally everyday! Even we don't do that with Brett and the others." Liam had rolled his eyes at that and called him a pussy.

So now it was personal, just Theo and Liam pulling their little pranks on one another. With Brett and his gang pulling pranks on all of them, Mason had great ideas to get them back. Liam tried to stay out of it the best he could but he was always somehow roped in. He wanted to focus on getting back at Theo, because he couldn't win. Liam wouldn't let that happen.

Each time it would get harsher, each time Liam was slowly loosing grip of his control,  he felt like he would soon break. Would lash out at the smug, cocky indifferent looking guy for always being one step ahead. He so hated that they were roommates.

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