Three: sane as I am

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Start of September

When Liam woke up for his first day of classes he hopped straight in the shower, he swore he could still smell the murky lake from last night when he was being thrown off the bridge. He's still annoyed at that; and rightfully so. At Brett and his stupid gang, and at Mason and the others for not warning him.

But his best friend promised him that today is the day they get their revenge and Liam is thrilled.

Hopping out the shower he gets changed in the room, noticing that Theo isn't there. He doesn't care- he shouldn't care; and he doesn't. Because why would he?

He doesn't know his roommate, not at all. So it doesn't matter where he sleeps, Liam prefers it actually because it means he has his own space. His own room.

He gets through classes alright, he was nervous the night before but actually being in the classroom was fine. Everyone focused on their on things, no one has come to bother him which he's greatful for. Marlowe did tell him he should be making friends on his first day;

"Are you planning on making friends tomorrow?" She had said in their little session.

He clicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth, "it wasn't on my to do list" he shrugs, the guidance counsellor sighs but there's a faint smile on her face. She's grown to appreciate Liam's sass.

"I think it would be good for you, getting out there and meeting new people."

However, Liam did in fact not make any new friends on his first day. And he wasn't sad about it, when he joined this college he made a promise to himself to stay out of any trouble and people's way, what better way to do that then simply not making friends... with Nolan as the exception, because he's fun to be around.

At lunch he met up with the guys outside on a round table, "how was classes for the first time?" Mason had asked coming up from behind him and slapping his back, then sitting down at the table.

Liam shrugged, "it was alright, I had English first" Mason nodded and the other two joined them. Nolan stole a chip from Liam's plate who gave him evils in return. He turns to Mason, "the prank?" He leaves his question vague but his best friend understands anyway.

"All ready and set to go, we're doing it tonight" he says and Corey smiles, sipping on his drink.

"Can't wait to see the looks on their faces" his smile turning into a vicious smirk, Nolan lit a ciggerete up and offered it to Liam who waved it away. Not even certain if he's allowed to do that here.

"Good, I hope they get so pisssd off" Liam says biting a chip, Nolan snorts. "Just like you were last night?" He questions and Liam throws the remainder of his chip at his head. "Ow" he says, "now your face I wish I could've seen when it happened" Liam rolls his eyes at that comment but didn't bother to reply.

The rest of his classes went swimmingly until his last period; his ex girlfriend was there. And the only seat left in the classroom was right next to her, Liam cursed under his breath and reluctantly sat down.

He spied out the corner of his eye to see that his ex; Hayden, had slowly begun to recognise him. He then turned his head towards her to see her give him a light smile and then a confident wave, he grimaced back before quickly looking down at his desk.

He cursed inside his head when he realised he forgot his pen and everyone had started writing when the teacher informed them of their activity.

Luckily a hand came into his vision, a blue pen accompanying it. He looked beside him to see Hayden with a warm smile and he felt his heart surge before tentatively accepting the pen and giving a polite "thank you." No he wasn't still in love with her, they broke up in an amicable, civil way that did their relationship justice.

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