Thirteen: actions over words

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Start of November

"Ugh" Liam groans to himself, he sees Theo fidget on his bed in the corner of his eyes so he groans again- louder this time. Theo sighs and slams his book shut, he stands and stalks over to Liam, "what?" He grits out, clearly annoyed at the younger for interrupting his 'reading time'.

"Oh so you're finally talking to me again?" Liam questions sitting up from his laying position. Talking about Halloween and how off Theo was once they got to the party.

Theo cocks a brow, "is that what you wanted my attention for?" Liam sighs and looks down to his project, it's almost done but he's not quite sure how to finish it. It's for his English class, he takes English literature, he loves to write much like Theo loves to read.

"No, I'm stuck" Theo huffs out before wafting his hand, telling Liam to scoot along on his bed and once he does Theo joins him. Sitting at the edge like Liam has some kind of disease which makes him roll his eyes. "I don't have aids" Theo snorts at that.

"Good to know?" He says with a cocky attitude and Liam rolls his eyes, knowing that Theo made it awkward on purpose instead of acknowledging his joke. "You're a dick, help me" he then replies, nodding down to his work.

Theo sighs and grabs the laptop, resting it on his own lap as his eyes dart across the screen. Liam watches him read, his green eyes are normally so intense yet they're somehow so soft as he reads. He wears his signature beanie as his strands of hair fall out, he wears a hoodie and ripped black jeans.

Liam glances around and notices Theo's leather jacket is hung up on his closet door, he sighs remembering that he lost Theo's diary. Or not really lost so much as someone stole it, that much is obvious. "Are you even listening, or do you want me to go?" Theo says gruffly and Liam sighs.

"I'm listening" he whines and Theo watches him for a moment before continuing with his thought.

"As I was saying," that makes Liam shake his head, "there's too much dialogue here, it's not  a good scene plan" Liam scoffs at that and leans over Theo's shoulder, careful not to touch. If he did he'd probably end up with a broken neck which he doesn't particularly fancy.

"Really?" He questions and Theo nods.

"Really, you have the characters interacting too much. There should be more descriptions, paint a picture through that instead of what each character says. Don't tell me, show me" Liam takes the laptop back and Theo pulls a face as though he's saying 'you're welcome?'

Liam looks to Theo and furrows his brows, "bye?" He says and wafts the older man away so he can carry on with his work, Theo rolls his eyes but when he stands he slams the laptop shut. Liam's eyes widen and he gasps out.

"My work wasn't saved!" He grits out and Theo shrugs with a slight smirk, hidden but still there.

"Really?" He questions sarcastically and Liam huffs, biting his lip.

"Really" he spits out and rips his laptop open and scans the screen, "yep, none of my final draft saved. You dickhead!" He groans out and lobs a pillow at Theo who catches it with ease "Robot" Liam whispers as Theo sits back on his bed.

"Maybe it's for the best, it was terrible" he spoke, lighting up a ciggerete after cracking the window open a tad for Liam's benefit. Liam watches him take a drag and the orange flame light up at the end.

"You're terirble" he retorts and he starts a new page.

A while later Theo questions how Halloween was, "boring, what about you?" Liam replies automatically, not really in the conversation as he fingers type away with speed. He's somehow gotten hyper with his writing, ideas swirling around his brain and taking into consideration what Theo said.

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